Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 8
Showing: Items 1 - 8
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Economic policy Congresses)

Select Item Title Year Published
CMEA five-year plans (1981-1985) in a new perspective planned and non-planned economies : Colloquium 1982 = Les Plans quinquennaux du CAEM (1981-1985) dans une perspective nouvelle : economies planifiees et non planifiees : Colloque 1982. 1983
European spatial planning 2002
In search of indicators of sustainable development 1991
Integrating economic and ecological indicators : practical methods for environmental policy analysis / 1995
Legal challenge of sustainable development essays from the Fourth Institute Conference on Natural Resources Law / 1990
Les Reformes economiques en URSS la mise en oeuvre : colloque 15-17 mars 1989, Bruxelles = Soviet economic reforms : implementation under way : colloquium, 15-17 March 1989, Brussels / 1989
Planning for sustainable development country experiences. 1995
Proceedings ... annual Pacific Northwest Regional Economic Conference. 0

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