Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 11
Showing: Items 1 - 11
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Economic forecasting United States)

Select Item Title Year Published
1985 OBERS BEA regional projections 1985
BEA Regional projections to 2040. 1990
Carrying capacity of a nation : growth and the quality of life 1976
Greenhouse effect--investment implications and opportunities proceedings of an investor forum held in New York City, October 4, 1989 / 1990
Megatrends for women 1993
Natural capitalism : creating the next industrial revolution / 1999
Pesticides industry sales and usage : 1990 and 1991 market estimates / 1992
Projection of 1985 market potential for FGD byproduct sulfur and sulfuric acid in the U.S. / 1980
Three billion new capitalists : the great shift of wealth and power to the East / 2005
To choose a future : resource and environmental consequences of alternative growth paths 1980
U.S. industry & trade outlook '98 1998

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