Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Economic assistance)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1990 catalog of Federal domestic assistance. 1990
1991 catalog of Federal domestic assistance. 1991
Agenda for the Nation; papers on domestic and foreign policy issues 1968
An Overview of existing state alternative financing programs : financing drinking water system capital needs in the 1990's. 1992
Analytical review of environmental pollution with heavy metals in background areas of the CMEA member countries (1982-1988) / 1989
Area trends in employment and unemployment 1964
Bankrolling disasters international development banks and the global environment : a citizens' environmental guide to the World Bank and the regional multilateral development banks / 1986
Catalog of federal domestic assistance. 1969
Choosing the optimum financial strategy for pollution control investments. 1976
Cities and the Nation's Disposal Crisis. 1973
CMEA five-year plans (1981-1985) in a new perspective planned and non-planned economies : Colloquium 1982 = Les Plans quinquennaux du CAEM (1981-1985) dans une perspective nouvelle : economies planifiees et non planifiees : Colloque 1982. 1983
Committed Obligated Expected Expenditures Plan (COEEP). 1992
Compendium of Federal financial assistance programs : targeting programs for state and local ground-water protection. 1990
Congressional presentation 0
Development co-operation : efforts and policies of the members of the Development Assistance Committee : 1993 report / 1994
Development co-operation efforts and policies of the members of the Development Assistance Committee : 1992 report / 1992
Development co-operation in the 1990's efforts and policies of the members of the Development Assistance Committee : 1989 report / 1989
Development directory. 1989
Directory of non-governmental development organisations in OECD member countries Repertoire des organisations non gouvernementales de developpement dans les pays membres de l'OCDE. 1990
Directory of non-governmental environment and development organisations in OECD member countries / 1992
Disaster Assistance - Earthquake Hazard Reduction. (Secours en Cas de Desastres Naturels Tremblements de Terre. Volume 2). 1971
Disaster Assistance - Earthquake Hazard Reduction. Volume 1. (Secours en Cas de Desastres Naturels Tremblements de Terre. Volume 1). 1971
Discussion Paper on Alternative Financing Mechanisms for State Water Programs. 1989
Drinking water state revolving fund program : delivering sustainable public health protection for America : 2005 annual report / 2006
Economic adjustment program, Great Falls/Cascade County, Montana : Malmstrom AFB realignment report / 1980
Economic Analysis of Pretreatment Standards for Existing Sources of the Electroplating Point Source Category. 1979
Economic development programs 1971
Economic Incentives: Options for Environmental Protection. 1991
Economies of Eastern Europe under Gorbachev's influence Colloquium, 23-25 March 1988, Brussels = les economies de l'Europe de l'Est sous l'influence de M. Gorbatchev : colloque, 23-25 mars 1988, Bruxelles / 1989
English-French international development lexicon. 1970
Environmental effects of development cooperation projects perspectives on environmental impact assessment. 1987
Environmental issues in Central and Eastern Europe U.S. efforts to help resolve institutional and financial problems : report to the Chairman, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives / 1994
EPA effectively reviewed Recovery Act recipient data but opportunities for improvement exist. 2010
EPA/CDC/ATSDR Federal Grants Guide for Community Environmental and Public Health Activities. 2007
Evaluation of adjustment assistance programs with application for pollution control / 1974
Federal assistance programs of the Environmental Protection Agency. 1975
Federal grant practice / 2010
Federal grant practice : a guide for the government and grantees / 2017
Federal grants and cooperative agreements law, policy, and practice / 1982
Federal outlays in Arizona. 1975
Federal outlays in California. 1975
Federal outlays in Hawaii. 1975
Federal outlays in Nevada; a report of the Federal Government's impact by state, county and large city. 1967
Financial Capability Summary Foldout: A Simplified Approach. 1984
Financing Assistance Available for Small Public Water Systems. 1993
Financing the Next Generation: For the National Conference on Innovations in Financing Wastewater Facilities. Held in New Orleans, Louisiana, November 18-20, 1986. 1986
Freedom, fresh air, and free enterprise : U.S. environmental assistance to Central and Eastern Europe. 1992
Fundamental changes are needed in Federal assistance to State and local governments, Office of Management and Budget and other Federal agencies : report to the Congress / by the Comptroller General of the United States. 1975
Geographical distribution of financial flows to developing countries disbursements, commitments, economic indicators = Repartition geographique des ressources financieres allouees aux pays en developpement : versements, engagements, indicateurs economiques, 1988-1991. 1993
Global future : time to act : report to the President on global resources, environment and population / 1981
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