Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Ecology Mathematical models)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A coastal marine ecosystem : simulation and analysis / 1978
A general model of microbial growth and decomposition in aquatic ecosystems / 1977
A Generalized model for simulating lake ecosystems / 1974
A primer of ecology / 2008
A sensitivity test for species distribution models used for gap analysis in New Mexico / 1996
A simulation model for coastal zoobenthic ecosystems / 1979
A systems approach to ecological baseline studies / 1978
Abiotic transformations of pesticides in natural waters and sediments / 1991
Acidic Deposition Phenomenon and Its Effects: Critical Assessment Review Papers. Volume 2. 1984
An introduction to mathematical ecology / 1969
Analysis of Persistence in Model Ecosystems: Deterministic and Stochastic Food Web Models. 1984
Analytical measurements in aquatic environments / 2010
Application of ecosystem modeling methodologies to dredged material research 1976
Applied population ecology : principles and computer exercises using RAMAS EcoLab / 1999
Aquatic ecosystems : an operational research approach / 1981
Assessing Ozone Effects on Plants Native to the Southeastern United States. 1994
Calibration and verification of a mathematical model of the eutrophication of the Potomac Estuary 1982
Chaos in ecology : experimental nonlinear dynamics / 2003
Comparing the Accuracy of Equation Formats for Modeling Microbial Population Decay Rates. 1992
Conceptual Approaches for Incorporating Climatic Change into the Development of Forest Management Options for Sequestering Carbon. 1993
Contributed Papers on Coastal Ecological Characterization Studies, Presented at the Biennial International Estuarine Research Federation Conference (Fourth), Held at Mt. Pocono, Pennsylvania on 2-5 October 1977. 1978
Data review for ecologic modeling : Puget Sound and adjacent waters / 1974
Development of a general ecosystem model (GEM) for a range of scales and ecosystems : IEE discussion paper no. 3 : June 1993. 1993
Development of conservation focus area models for EPA Region 7 / 2009
Documentation of CLEANX : a generalized model for simulating the open water ecosystems of lakes / 1974
Dynamic state variable models in ecology : methods and applications / 2000
Ecologic Simulation for Aquatic Environments. 1972
Ecological diversity / 1975
Ecological dynamics 1998
Ecological modeling : a common-sense approach to theory and practice / 2008
Ecological modeling guide for ecosystem restoration and management / 2012
Ecological modelling. 1975
Ecological models and data in R / 2008
Ecological niche modeling : ecoinformatics in application to biodiversity / 2006
Ecological simulation : Tocks Island Lake 1973
Ecosystem modeling in Cobscook Bay, Maine : a boreal, macrotidal estuary / 2004
Ecosystem modeling in theory and practice : an introduction with case histories / 1977
Elements of mathematical ecology / 2001
Establishment of operational guidelines for Texas coastal zone management : special report I: water quality modelling and management studies for Corpus Christi Bay: a large systems approach / 1974
Estimating wildlife habitat variables 1981
Evaluation Paradigm for Cumulative Impact Analysis. 1988
Field data collection procedures for use with the physical habitat simulation system of the instream flow group / 1981
First annual reports of the EPA IFYGL projects / 1973
Food webs and biodiversity : foundations, models, data / 2013
GIS (Geographical Information System) Based Simulation Approach to Predict System Responses to Climatic Change. 1989
Grassland simulation model 1978
Habitat suitability index models : baird's sparrow / 1983
Habitat suitability index models : barred owl / 1987
Habitat suitability index models : beaver / 1982
Habitat suitability index models : bigmouth buffalo / 1983
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