Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Ecology California)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1988 plan amendments to the California Desert Conservation Area plan of 1980 decision record. 1990
A limnological survey of Lafayette Reservoir. 1980
A living bay : the underwater world of Monterey Bay / 2000
A preliminary report on fish and wildlife resources affected by developments proposed for the upper American River Basin, California / 1956
A scientific assessment of alternatives for reducing water management effects on threatened and endangered fishes in California's bay-delta / 2010
A simple question : the story of STRAW / 2010
A summary of knowledge of the Southern California coastal zone and offshore areas / 1974
Agricultural burning : self-instruction handbook : state and local rules, air pollutants in smoke, burn with less smoke / 1990
An assessment of the likely mechanisms underlying the "fish-X2" relationships / 1997
An ecological assessment of insect diversity at organic central coast vegetable farms on two spatial scales / 2013
An evaluation of the health of the benthic marine biota of Ventura, Los Angeles, and Orange Counties / 1972
An introduction to the ecology of the San Francisco Estuary / 1990
An introduction to the ecology of the San Francisco Estuary / 1991
Annotated bibliography : rocky intertidal communities of central and northern California 1987
Annual report 1993
Annual report - Coastal Water Research Project. 0
Aquatic habitat program plan for assessing the effects of pollutants in the San Francisco Bay-Delta estuary / 1982
Atlas of the biodiversity of California / 2003
Baylands ecosystem habitat goals : a report of habitat recommendations / 1999
Baylands ecosystem habitat goals : a report of habitat recommendations / 1999
Before the wilderness environmental management by native Californians / 1993
Bibliographies on chaparral and the fire ecology of other Mediterranean systems 1984
Biological effects of ammonium salts and dilute treated petroleum refinery affluent on estuarine aufwuchs, phytoplankton, and fish communities / 1974
Biological features of intertidal communities near the U.S. Navy sewage outfall, Wilson Cove, San Clemente Island, California 1974
Biological, habitat, and water quality conditions in the upper Merced River drainage, Yosemite National Park, California, 1993-1996 / 1999
Blueprint for a sustainable Bay Area 1996
Brushland watershed fire management policy in southern California : biosocial considerations / 1978
California forests and woodlands : a natural history / 1994
California rivers assessment. 1994
California rivers assessment. 1997
California's rivers, a public trust report 1993
California's threatened environment restoring the dream / 1993
California, an environmental atlas & guide 1991
Changes in a California estuary : a profile of Elkhorn Slough / 2002
Characterization of organic constituent patterns at a produced water discharge site/barium relations to bioeffects of produced water : final technical summary, final technical report / 1997
Coastal ecology: Bodega Head 1973
Coastal water research project annual report for the year ended ... 1974
Coastal water research project biennial report for the years ... 1980
Comparing futures for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta / 2010
Comprehensive conservation and management plan / 1994
Comprehensive network site description : Hopland / 0
Delta outflow effects on the abundance and distribution of San Francisco Bay fish and invertebrates, 1980-1985 : exhibit 60, entered by the California Department of Fish and Game for the State Water Resources Control Board : 1987 water quality/water rights proceeding on the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. 1987
Delta-Estuary : California's inland coast : a public trust report / 1991
Delta-Suisun Bay ecological studies : a water quality data report of the coordinated monitoring program : methods and data for [1973-1974]. 1975
Design guidelines for tidal wetland restoration in San Francisco Bay 2004
Draft state of the estuary : a report on conditions and problems in the San Francisco Estuary / 1991
Ecological characterization of the Central and Northern California Coastal Region / 1981
Ecological characterization of the Central and Northern California Coastal region. 1981
Ecological restoration in the San Francisco Bay area a descriptive directory and sourcebook / 1990
Ecological studies of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta : Part 2, Fishes of the Delta / 1966
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