Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Ecologie)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A blue carbon primer : the state of coastal wetland carbon science, practice and policy / 2019
A building revolution : how ecology and health concerns are transforming construction / 1995
A dictionary of ecology / 1998
A dictionary of ecology, evolution, and systematics / 1998
A procedure for ecological tiered assessment of risks (PETAR) / 2002
A treatise on limnology / 1957
Advances in ecological research. 1962
All our relations : native struggles for land and life / 1999
An environmental history of the Middle Ages : the crucible of nature / 2013
An environmental history of the world : humankind's changing role in the community of life / 2001
An Introduction to ecological economics / 1997
Annual review of ecology and systematics. 1970
Annual review of ecology and systematics. 1970
Applied ecology / 1993
Applying nature's design : corridors as a strategy for biodiversity conservation / 2006
Aquatic ecology. 1997
Aquatic photosynthesis / 2007
Aquatic photosynthesis / 1997
Assessment of the biodegradation of chemicals in the marine environment. 1993
Barriers and bridges to the renewal of ecosystems and institutions / 1995
Behavioral mechanisms in evolutionary ecology / 1994
Biodiversity and Native America / 2000
Biodiversity II : understanding and protecting our biological resources / 1997
Biodiversity in land-inland water ecotones 1997
Biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, and human wellbeing : an ecological and economic perspective / 2009
Biogeochemistry : an analysis of global change / 1991
Biology of lakes and ponds 1998
Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences. 1980
Caring for the earth : a strategy for sustainable living. 1991
Changes in fluxes in estuaries : implications from science to management / 1994
Chemical modeling in aqueous systems : speciation, sorption, solubility, and kinetics : based on a symposium cosponsored by the Society of [sic] Environmental Geochemistry and Health and the ACS Division of Environmental Chemistry at the 176th meeting of the American Chemical Society, Miami Beach, Florida, September 11-13, 1978 / 1979
Climate change : impact on coastal habitation / 1995
Collapse : how societies choose to fail or succeed / 2011
Communities and ecosystems / 1975
Community ecotoxicology / 2002
Complex interactions in lake communities / 1988
Concepts of applied ecology / 1978
Concepts of ecology 1969
Cooper's comprehensive environmental desk reference / 1996
Cows save the planet and other improbable ways of restoring soil to heal the earth / 2013
Daydreams and nightmares : a sociological essay on the American environment / 1971
Decomposer basidiomycetes, their biology and ecology : symposium of the British Mycological Society, held at Queen Mary College, London, March 1979 / 1982
Deep ecology for the twenty-first century / 1994
Design, nature, and revolution : toward a critical ecology / 1972
Designing greenways : sustainable landscapes for nature and people / 2006
Dictionary of the environment / 1989
Dynamic state variable models in ecology : methods and applications / 2000
Dynamics of coral communities 1999
Dynamics of marine ecosystems : biological-physical interactions in the oceans / 2006
Earth in the balance : ecology and the human spirit / 1993
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