Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Eau Pollution)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Algae and water pollution 1994
Algae and water pollution : an illustrated manual on the identification, significance, and control of algae in water supplies and in polluted water / 1978
Aquatic pollution : an introductory text / 2000
Aquatic toxicology : molecular, biochemical, and cellular perspectives / 1994
Atmospheric loading of the Upper Great Lakes 1975
Biological problems in water pollution : transactions of a seminar on biological problems in water pollution held at the Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center, Cincinnati, Ohio April 23-27, 1956 / 1957
Biological test method. Acute lethality test using rainbow trout. 1990
Biology of freshwater pollution / 1991
Canadian water management : visions for sustainability / 1994
Chemistry for the protection of the environment / 1991
Cleaning our environment, the chemical basis for action : a report / 1969
Contaminated sediments in ports and waterways : cleanup strategies and technologies / 1997
Dealing with contaminated sites : from theory towards practical application / 2011
Diseases of fish : (the proceedings of a symposium organized jointly by the Fisheries Society of the British Isles and the Zoological Society of London, held at the Zoological Society of London on 20 and 21 May, 1971.) / 1972
Effects of pollutants on aquatic organisms / 1976
Environmental fate of pesticides / 1990
Environmental modeling : fate and transport of pollutants in water, air, and soil / 1996
Environmental soil and water chemistry : principles and applications / 1998
Fate and effects of sediment-bound chemicals in aquatic systems : proceedings of the Sixth Pellston Workshop, Florissant, Colorado, August 12-17, 1984 / 1987
Field sampling methods for remedial investigations / 1994
Final report of the International joint commission on the pollution of boundary waters reference : Washington--Ottawa. 1918
Fish ecotoxicology / 1998
Groundwater and surface water pollution / 2000
Groundwater remediation / 1992
Guide to the identification, environmental requirements and pollution tolerance of freshwater blue-green algae (Cyanophyta) / 1982
Heavy metals in the New Zealand aquatic environment : a review / 1986
Herbicide metabolites in surface water and groundwater : developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Agrochemicals and the Division of Environmental Chemistry, Inc., at the 209th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Anaheim, California, April 2-6, 1995 / 1996
Metals in surface waters / 1998
Particulate matter and aquatic contaminants / 1993
Pesticide properties in the environment / 1995
Pollution ecology of freshwater invertebrates. 1974
Proceedings, Eighth Technical Seminar on Chemical Spills : June 10-11, 1991, Hotel Georgia, Vancouver, B.C. / 1991
Proceedings, Ninth Technical Seminar on Chemical Spills : June 8-9, 1992, Weston Hotel, Edmonton, Alberta / 1992
Quantitative methods in aquatic ecotoxicology / 1995
Remedial action plan for Hamilton Harbour : stage 1, report : environmental conditions and problem definitions / 1989
Rising to the challenge : celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. 1997
River ecology and man ; Proceedings. / 1972
Safe drinking water : future trends and challenges : an Environmental Futures report / 1995
Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater / 1998
Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater / 1995
Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater / 1992
Statistics for the environment 2 : water related issues / 1994
The uses of ecology : Lake Washington and beyond / 1991
The water environment : algal toxins and health / 1981
Threats to sources of drinking water and aquatic ecosystem health in Canada. 2001
Toxic chemicals in the Great Lakes and associated effects : synopsis. 1991
Toxic chemicals in the Great Lakes and associated effects. 1991
Upper Great Lakes Connecting Channels Study / 1988
Water quality criteria / 1963
Water reuse : issues, technologies, and applications / 2007
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