Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 18
Showing: Items 1 - 18
Your Search: (SUBJECT=ERDA 010800)

Select Item Title Year Published
Adipic Acid Enhanced Flue Gas Desulfurization Process for Industrial Boilers. Volume 2. Technical Assessment. Project Summary. 1983
Adipic Acid Enhanced Flue Gas Desulfurization Process for Industrial Boilers: Volume 1. Field Test Results Project Summary. 1983
Chemical Characterization and Monitoring Studies of Effluents from Emerging Fossil Fuel Processes. 1976
Economic Evaluation of Limestone and Lime Flue-Gas-Desulfurization Processes. 1983
Economics of ash disposal at coal-fired power plants / 1981
Engineering-economic analyses of coal preparation with SO2 cleanup processes for keeping higher sulfur coals in the energy market : prepared for Coal Preparation and Analysis Laboratory, U.S. Dept. of Energy / 1977
EPA/DOE Symposium on High Temperature High Pressure Particulate Control, September 20-21, 1977, Washington, D.C. / 1977
Flue Gas Desulfurization and Its Alternatives: The State of the ART. 1974
Forced-Oxidation Demonstration at the TVA Widows Creek Unit 8 FGD System. 1982
Impact of Coal Cleaning as a Sulfur-Reduction Strategy in the Midwest. 1983
Trace Element Characterization and Removal/Recovery from Coal and Coal Wastes. Progress Report, July 1--September 30, 1975. 1976
Trace Element Characterization and Removal/Recovery from Coal and Coal Wastes. Progress Report, October 1--December 31, 1975. 1976
Trace Element Characterization and Removal/Recovery from Coal and Coal Wastes. Work Plan for the Period July 1, 1975--June 30, 1976. 1976
Trace element characterization of coal wastes : first annual report, July 1, 1975 to June 30, 1976 / 1978
Trace element characterization of coal wastes : fourth annual progress report, October 1, 1978-September 30, 1979 / 1981
Trace element characterization of coal wastes : third annual progress report, October 1, 1977 to September 30, 1978 / 1979
Trace element characterization of coal wastes. Fifth annual progress report, October 1, 1979 - September 30, 1980 / 1981
Trace element characterizaton of coal wastes ; second annual progress report, October 1, 1976-September 30, 1977 / 1978

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