Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Advancing the use of treatment technologies for Superfund remedies. 1989
An Analysis of state Superfund programs : 50-state study, 1990 update. 1990
An Analysis of state Superfund programs : 50-state study. 1989
Analysis of state Superfund programs : 50-state survey. 1989
Analysis of treatability data for soil and debris : evaluation of land ban impact on use of superfund treatment technologies: a Superfund management review: recommendation 34A. 1989
Approval of long term contracting strategy for superfund. 1990
ARARs Q's and A's : compliance with federal water quality criteria. 1990
ARARs Q's and A's. 1989
ARCS Construction Contract Modification Procedures. 1989
Assessing Reports of Continuous Releases of Hazardous Substances: A Guide for EPA Regions. 1990
BTAG Forum: Highlights of the 9th Annual RRAC/6th Annual SEEW. Volume 4, Number 2, August 1994. 1994
CERCLA off-site policy : eligibility of facilities in assessment monitoring. 1986
CERCLA waste capacity assurance. / 1990
Clean water tribal resource directory for wastewater treatment assistance. 1998
Community relations : use of senior environmental employees in Superfund, superfund management review, recommendation 43.K, L. 1990
Compilation of current practices at land disposal facilities : summary of liner and leak detection designs, action leakage rates, response action plans, and management of liquids in landfills / 1992
Congressional limits for FY'92 alternative remedial contracting strategy (ARCS) program management costs. 1992
Continuous Release-Emergency Response Notification System and Priority Assessment Model: Model Documentation. 1991
Continuous Release-Emergency Response Notification System and Priority Assessment Model: User's Manual for EPA Regions. 1990
Control of air emissions from Superfund air strippers at Superfund ground water sites. 1989
Coordinating with the states on national priorities list decisions : issue resolution process. 1997
Data quality objectives for remedial response activities : development process / 1990
Decentralization of superfund bottle repository functions. 1989
Delegation of Remedy Selection to Regions. 1986
Development of Gridded Area Source Emissions for the Twin Cities, Minnesota Air Quality Control Region. 1976
Economic Growth Analysis System (E-GAS) for all EPA Regions (I through X) (for Microcomputers). 1993
Economic growth analysis system : reference manual : final report / 1993
Economic growth analysis system : user's guide : final report / 1993
Environmental Protection Agency ground-water research : technical assistance directory / 1991
EPA Can Recover More Federal Superfund Money. 2008
EPA Region II Environmental Justice Action Plan for Fiscal Years 2004 and 2005. 2004
EPA regional guidance manual for the technical assistance grant program 1988
EPA/USACE Payment Process: Direct Cite/Revised Reimbursement Methods. 1990
Federal Register Volume 57 No. 175, Wednesday, September 9, 1992 Notices. Part 3. Final NPDES General Permits for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity; Fact Sheet. 1992
Final guidance on implementation of the 'consistency' exemption to the statutory limits on removal actions. 1990
Final guidance on implementation of the consistency exemption to the statutory limits on removal actions. 1989
Fiscal year 1990 regional coordination plan and themes for the remedial investigation/feasibility study and selection of remedy process. 1989
Flexibile funding in the regional extramural operation plan / 1989
FY 1987 superfund comprehensive accomplishments plan : final report. {microfiche} / 1986
Guidance on non-NPL removal actions involving nationally significant or precedent-setting issues. 1989
Guidance on Oversight of PRP Performed RD/RA. 1990
Guide to Developing Superfund Records of Decision. 1989
Hazardous Waste Data Management System (HWDMS) Extract. Data Tape Documentation. 1990
Headquarters Consultation for Dioxin Sites. 1996
HSED SACM Report. Volume 1, Number 1, January 1993. 1993
Inauguration of the OSC/RPM program. 1989
Interim guidance on conducting Federal-lead underground storage tank corrective actions for petroleum releases on Indian lands. 1989
Interim RCRA/CERCLA guidance on non-contiguous sites and on-site management of waste and treatment residue. 1986
Involvement of superfund program managers in superfund response agreement audits. 1990
Koppers Superfund Site EPA ID FLD98709356 Gainesville, Alachua County, Florida. Community Involvement Plan. Revision. 2011
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