Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 19
Showing: Items 1 - 19
Your Search: (SUBJECT=EPA method 6)

Select Item Title Year Published
A summary of the 1981 EPA national performance audit program on source measurements / 1983
A summary of the 1982 EPA national performance audit program on source measurements / 1983
A summary of the interlaboratory source performance surveys for EPA Reference Methods 5, 6 and 7, 1978 / 1980
A summary of the interlaboratory source performance surveys for EPA Reference Methods 6 and 7, 1977 / 1979
Accuracy of remotely sensed SO2 mass emission rates / 1979
Environmental Protection Agency performance test methods : parts I and II / 1978
Evaluation of a Method for Measuring Primary Sulfate Emissions from Combustion Sources. 1977
Evaluation of monitoring systems for power plant and sulfur recovery plant emissions / 1976
HP-65 programmable pocket calculator applied to air pollution measurement studies : stationary sources / 1976
Methods 6 and 7 quality assurance and quality control revisions : background information. 1982
Methods 6 and 7 quality assurance and quality control revisions : summary of comments and responses. 1984
New Audit Method for EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Reference Method 6. 1984
Sampling Parameters for Sulfate Measurement and Characterization. 1978
Summary of the 1983 EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) National Performance Audit Program on Source Measurements. 1985
Summary of the 1988 EPA National Performance Audit Program on Source Measurements. 1990
Summary of the EPA National Source Performance Audit Program - 1979. 1981
Summary of the EPA National Source Performance Audit Program - 1980. 1981
The EPA program for the standardization of stationary source emission test methodology : a review / 1976
Workshop proceedings on primary sulfate emissions from combustion sources. 1978

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