Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 410
Showing: Items 1 - 50

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Select Item Title Year Published
1985 OBERS BEA regional projections 1985
1995 population and employment forecasts for the Central Puget Sound Region 1995
208 socio-economic report 1977
A benefit-cost analysis of power in the ORBES region / 1977
A changing Great Lakes economy : economic and environmental linkages / 1994
A changing Great Lakes economy : economic and environmental linkages / 1995
A comparative atlas of America's great cities : twenty metropolitan regions / 1976
A new era of responsibility : renewing America's promise / 2009
A New view of the Puget Sound economy : the economic value of nature's services in the Puget Sound Basin / 2008
A new view of the Puget Sound economy : the economic value of nature's services in the Puget Sound Basin / 2008
A vision of change for America. 1993
Aboriginal communities and non-renewable resource development / 2001
Aboriginal land use and occupancy studies in Canada 2003
Affluenza : the all consuming epidemic / 2001
Affluenza : the all-consuming epidemic / 2005
After the hurricane : linking recovery to sustainable development in the Caribbean / 1997
Alaska habitat management guide. Arctic Region. 1986
Alaska habitat management guide. Southcentral Region. 1985
Alaska habitat management guide. Southwest Region. 1985
Alaska natives & the land / 1968
America's commitment : women 2000 : meeting the unique challenges of women and children's environmental health / 2000
America's northern heartland / 1987
American Dream deferred : Black federal workers in Washington, DC, 1941-1981 / 2018
American Indian energy resources and development 1980
American Indian policy : self-governance and economic development / 1994
American Mediterranean : an environmental, economic & social history of Long Island Sound / 1974
An economic study of the oyster fishery of the Maritime Provinces / 1971
Annual report - Maryland, Board of Natural Resources. 1944
Annual report - Old West Regional Commission. 0
Anticipated socio-economic impacts of coal development / 1974
Appendix of the final environmental impact statement for Tusayan growth : Coconino County, Arizona. 1999
Asian economic crisis : in search of higher competitiveness in global markets. 1999
Asking the earth / 1990
Assessment of selected Delaware Estuary economic and natural resource values : final report / 1993
ATechnique for the Systematic Identification of Pollution RFeduction Measures: EMIS 1970
Atlas of California 1979
Atlas of Maryland 1977
Atlas of the environment / 1990
Atlas of the new West : portrait of a changing region / 1997
Atlas of the Pacific Northwest 1993
Atlas of the Pacific Northwest / 2003
Back to prosperity : a competitive agenda for renewing Pennsylvania. 2003
Balanced growth for the Northeast : proceedings of a conference of legislative leaders on the future of the Northeast, December 11-13, 1975 / 1976
Baltimore engineers and the Chesapeake Bay, 1961-1987 1988
Baseline socioeconomic profiles of coastal counties in the Washington-Oregon planning area (Coastal Oregon) : final / 1988
Baseline socioeconomic profiles of coastal counties in the Washington-Oregon planning area (Coastal Washington) : final / 1988
Baseline socioeconomic profiles of coastal counties in the Washington-Oregon planning area (Puget Sound area, Washington) : final / 1988
BEA Regional projections to 2040. 1990
Before the wilderness environmental management by native Californians / 1993
Bibliography of water, land and socioeconomic information 1974
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