Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 1413
Showing: Items 1 - 50

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Select Item Title Year Published
'Cost of Cleaning the Environment' Presented by the United States Environmental Protection Agency Held at Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, California on Friday, March 30, 1972. 1972
1,1 - Dichloroethylene (Vinylidene chloride) / 1983
1976 Energy Fact Book. 1975
1986 needs survey, report to Congress : assessment of needed publicly owned wastewater treatment facilities in the United States. 1987
A case study of the Los Angeles County Palos Verdes landfill gas development project / 1977
A Framework for measuring the economic benefits of ground water. 1995
A manual on : evaluation and economic analysis of livestock waste management systems / 1978
A manual on evaluation and economic analysis of livestock waste management systems / 1978
A model for regional air pollution cost/benefit analysis / 1971
A Preliminary assessment of the gaseous fuels aftermarket conversion industry / 1992
A Primer for financial analysis of pollution prevention projects / 1993
A review of standards of performance for new stationary sources : secondary brass and bronze plants / 1979
A study of Federal subsidies to stimulate resource recovery / 1974
A Summary : administrator's point/nonpoint source trading initiative meeting, April 27-28, 1992, Durham, North Carolina / 1992
A technical, environmental and economic evaluation of the "wet processing system for the recovery and disposal of municipal solid waste" : a study / 1975
A water and wastewater manager's guide for staying financially healthy. 1989
ABEL. User's Manual. 1992
Accutech pneumatic fracturing extraction and hot gas injection, phase I. 1993
Activated carbon process for treatment of wastewaters containing hexavalent chromium / 1979
Activated carbon treatment of unbleached kraft effluent for reuse / 1975
Advanced automotive power system structured value analysis model. 1971
Advanced Electrostatic Stimulation of Fabric Filtration: Performance and Economics (Journal Article). 1988
Advanced Electrostatic Stimulation of Fabric Filtration: Performance and Economics. 1987
Advanced Wastewater Treatment Project to the NATO Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society. Volume I. The Report. 1978
Affordability of Major Wastewater Systems Improvements for Small Montana Communities. 1990
Agricultural burning stakeholder forums : putting the pieces together / 2001
Agricultural practices and water quality : proceedings of a conference concerning the role of agriculture in clean water, held at Iowa State University, November 1969 / 1970
Agricultural Water Demand in North Carolina. Phases I and II. 1973
Agriculture and clean water : proceedings of a conference held at Kansas City, Missouri on 3 April 1975 / 1975
Agriculture and clean water : proceedings of a conference held at Kansas City, Missouri on 3 April 1975 / 1975
Air pollutant emission standards and guidelines for municipal waste combustors : economic analysis of materials separation requirement. 1990
Air pollution and health in Washington, D.C. : some acute health effects of air pollution in the Washington metropolitan area / 1977
Air pollution aspects of emission sources: cement manufacturing - a bibliography with abstracts. 1971
Air pollution aspects of emission sources: municipal incineration; a bibliography with abstracts. 1971
Air pollution aspects of emission sources: pulp and paper industry : a bibliography with abstracts. 1973
Air pollution aspects of emission sources: sulfuric acid manufacturing - a bibliography with abstracts. 1971
Air pollution aspects of the iron foundry industry : February 1971 / 1971
Air pollution control active research grants for fiscal year 1970 / 1970
Air pollution control active research grants for fiscal year 1971 / 1972
Air pollution control engineering and cost study of the paint and varnish industry / 1974
Air Pollution Control in the Primary Aluminum Industry. Volume I. Sections 1 through 10. 1973
Air Pollution Control in the Primary Aluminum Industry. Volume II. Appendices. 1973
Air pollution effects on catastrophic failure of metals / 1974
Air Pollution from Fuel Combustion in Stationary Sources. 1972
Air pollution translations : a bibliography with abstracts, volume 3. 1973
Air pollution translations; a bibliography with abstracts, vol. 4. 1973
Air quality impacts of intercity freight Volume II, Appendices / 1997
Alternative control techniques document : industrial cleaning solvents / 1994
Alternatives for reducing insecticides on cotton and corn : economic and environmental impact / 1979
Aluminum as a component of solid waste and a recoverable resource / 1974
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