Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Dust Measurement)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A method for characterization and quantification of fugitive lead emissions from secondary lead smelters, ferroalloy plants and gray iron foundries / 1978
Advances in environmental measurement methods for asbestos / 1999
Aerosols in the mining and industrial work environments 1983
Asbestos, measurement and monitoring of asbestos in air : second report 1978
Assessment of fugitive particulate emission factors for industrial processes / 1978
Assessment of particle control technology for enclosed asbestos sources / 1974
Comparison of airborne asbestos levels determined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) using direct and indirect transfer techniques : final report / 1992
Comparison of airborne asbestos levels determined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) using direct and indirect transfer techniques : final report / 1990
Comparison of alternative approaches for estimation of particulate concentrations resulting from coal strip mining activities in northeastern Wyoming 1979
Control measures to assure attainment of the TSP and Proposed PM10 NAAQS in the Catano Air Basin. / 1985
Control of particulate emissions. 1967
Der atmospharische Staub / 1958
Determining the Properties of Fine Particulate Matter : Power Test Codes / 1965
Development and fabrication of a prototype fibrous aerosol monitor (FAM) / 1978
Development of emission factors for fugitive dust sources / 1974
Development study of a novel continuous-flow impactor / 1980
Environmental asbestos assessment manual : Superfund method for the determination of asbestos in ambient air. 1990
Environmental assessment data systems user guide : fine particle emissions information system / 1980
Environmental release of asbestos from commercial product shaping / 1985
Environmental release of asbestos from commercial product shaping : final report / 1985
Estimation of PM-10 vacant lands in the Las Vegas Valley / 1996
Evaluation and validation of total suspended particulate NAAQS exceedances : Fall River, Massachusetts 1975-1976 / 1977
Evaluation of four novel fine particulate collection devices / 1978
Experimental determination of the number and size of asbestos fibers in ambient air : final report, interagency agreement (ARB 3-688) / 1976
Feasibility of developing source sampling methods for asbestos emissions / 1982
Final report on interlaboratory cooperative study of the precision and accuracy of the measurement of dustfall using ASTM method D1739 / 1974
Final report on interlaboratory cooperative study of the precision of the measurement of particulate matter in the atmosphere (optical density of filtered deposit) using ASTM method D 1704 / 1974
Fine particle emissions information system reference manual / 1976
Fine particle emissions information system user guide / 1976
Fine particle emissions information system user guide / 1978
Fourth International Colloquium on Dust Measuring Technique and Strategy : Edinburgh (United Kingdom) September 20-23, 1982. 1982
Fugitive dust at the Paraho oil shale demonstration retort and mine / 1979
Fugitive dust from western surface coal mines / 1980
Fugitive dust from western surface coal mines / 1980
Fugitive dust from western surface coal mines / 1980
Generalized particle size distribution for use in preparing size specific particulate emission inventories / 1986
Gradient technique measurement of aerosol particulates over fresh water : a comprehensive report / 1987
Grain terminal control study volume II : grain dust levels caused by tent control of ship loading emissions compared to minimum explosive levels : final report / 1980
Impact of clean fuels combustion on primary particulate emissions from stationary sources / 1976
Investigation of particulate matter monitoring using contact electrification / 1975
Iron and steel plant open source fugitive emission control evaluation / 1984
Iron and steel plant open source fugitive emission control evaluation : draft, final report / 1983
Level 1 environmental assessment performance evaluation / 1979
Methodology for the measurement of airborne asbestos by electron microscopy / 1984
Methods for the Analysis of Carpet Samples for Asbestos. 1993
Multiwavelength transmissometer for measuring mass concentration of particulate emissions / 1979
NSSGA's air quality monitoring and emission factor development : 1991-2001. 2002
Open fugitive dust : PM10 sources and controls / 1990
Operation manual for automatic dichotomous samplers : application to Beckman dichotomous samplers / 1981
Particulate collection efficiency measurements on a wet electrostatic precipitator / 1975
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