Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 37
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Drugs Metabolism)

Select Item Title Year Published
Absorption and drug development : solubility, permeability, and charge state / 2012
ADME-enabling technologies in drug design and development / 2012
Biotransformations : a survey of the biotransformations of drugs and chemicals in animals. 1988
Concepts in drug metabolism 1980
Conjugation reactions in drug metabolism : an integrated approach : substrates, co-substrates, enzymes and their interactions in vivo and in vitro / 1990
Detoxication mechanisms; the metabolism and detoxication of drugs, toxic substances, and other organic compounds. 1959
Disease, metabolism, and reproduction in the toxic response to drugs and other chemicals : proceedings of the European Society of Toxicology Meeting held in Rome, March 28-30, 1983 1984
Disposition of toxic drugs and chemicals in man 2002
Disposition of toxic drugs and chemicals in man / 2011
Disposition of toxic drugs and chemicals in man / 1982
Disposition of toxic drugs and chemicals in man / 1989
Drug disposition during development 1977
Drug fate and metabolism methods and techniques / 1977
Drug metabolism : chemical and biochemical aspects / 1976
Drug metabolism and disposition : the biological fate of chemicals. 1973
Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals. 1973
Drug metabolism in man. 1971
Drug metabolism reviews. 1972
Drug metabolite isolation and determination 1983
Drug residues in food-producing animals 1980
Effects of Sex and Age on DMBA:DNA Binding in Epidermis of SENCAR Mice Following Topical Administration of Dimethylbenz(a) Anthracene. 1987
Enzyme systems that metabolise drugs and other xenobiotics / 2002
Ethnic differences in reactions to drugs and xenobiotics : proceedings of a meeting held in Titisee, Black Forest, Federal Republic of Germany, October 3-6, 1985 1986
Extrahepatic drug metabolism and chemical carcinogenesis proceedings of the International Meeting on Extrahepatic Drug Metabolism and Chemical Carcinogenesis, held in Stockholm, Sweden, on 17-20 May 1983 / 1983
Glucuronidation of drugs and other compounds 1980
Human drug metabolism : from molecular biology to man / 1993
Industrial and environmental xenobiotics : in vitro versus in vivo biotransformation and toxicity : proceedings of an international conference held in Prague, Czechoslovakia, 13-15 September 1977 1978
Interactions between drugs and chemicals in industrial societies proceedings of the Esteve Foundation Symposium II : interactions between drugs and chemicals in industrial societies, Mallorca, 6-8 October 1986 / 1987
Metabolism of xenobiotics 1988
Microsomes, drug oxidations, and chemical carcinogenesis / 1980
Nuclear receptors in drug metabolism / 2009
Pharmacogenetics. 1991
Progress in drug metabolism. 1976
Serum Organochlorine Pesticides in Mentally Retarded Patients on Differing Drug Regimens. 1971
Sulfation of drugs and related compounds 1981
Teratogen Metabolism: Spontaneous Decay Products of Thalidomide and Thalidomide Analogues Are Not Bioactivated by Liver Microsomes. 1985
Xenobiosis : foods, drugs, and poisons in the human body / 1987

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