Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 35
Showing: Items 1 - 35
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Droit international)

Select Item Title Year Published
1979 Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution and its 1998 protocols on persistent organic pollutants and heavy metals / 1999
Aarhus Convention : an implementation guide / 2000
Agenda 21 : programme of action for sustainable development ; Rio Declaration on Environment and Development ; Statement of Forest Principles : the final text of agreements negotiated by governments at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), 3-14 June 1992, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 1993
Akehurst's modern introduction to international law / 1997
Basic documents on international law and the environment 1995
Dangerous goods regulations / 1983
Digest of international law / 1963
Digest of United States practice in international law. 1973
Environment and NAFTA : understanding and implementing the new continental law / 1996
Environmental change and international law : new challenges and dimensions / 1992
Global environment : institutions, law, and policy / 1999
Global environmental diplomacy : negotiating environmental agreements for the World, 1973-1992 / 1998
Global environmental governance / 2006
International copyright : principles, law, and practice / 2001
International finance : law and regulation / 2012
International law : process and prospect / 1987
International legal materials. 1962
Legal problems in the Arctic regions / 1990
Marine environment law in the United Nations Environment Programme 1988
Modern treaty law and practice / 2000
Parry and Grant encyclopaedic dictionary of international law / 1986
Planning for intervention : international cooperation in conflict management / 1999
Reinterpreting the precautionary principle 2001
Restatement of the law, second: conflict of laws, 2d. As adopted and promulgated by the American Law Institute at Washington, D.C., May 23, 1969. 1971
Selected multilateral treaties in the field of the environment / 1991
State of transboundary air pollution : report prepared within the framework of the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. 1996
Sustainable development and international law 1995
The Earth Summit at Rio : politics, economics, and the environment / 1997
The global environment and international law / 2003
The International politics of the environment : actors, interests, and institutions / 1992
The Oxford handbook of international environmental law / 2007
Transboundary movements and disposal of hazardous wastes in international law : basic documents / 1993
Treaties and other international agreements : the role of the United States Senate : a study / 2001
Why poison ourselves? : a precautionary approach to synthetic chemicals / 2000
World guide to environmental issues and organizations / 1990

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