Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 392
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Drinking water Standards United States)

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Select Item Title Year Published
2002 Edition of the drinking water standards and health advisories / 2002
2004 Edition of the drinking water standards and health advisories. 2004
40 CFR parts 136 and 141 streamlining proposal / 1996
A drop to drink : a report on the quality of our drinking water. 1973
A drop to drink : a report on the quality of our drinking water. 1976
A guide to the interstate carrier water supply certification program. 1975
A guide to the interstate carrier water supply certification program. 1973
Adverse health effects of lead and copper from avenues other than ingestion / 1992
Advisory opinion for 1,1-dichloroethylene (vinylidene chloride). 1981
Advisory opinion for 1,2-dichloroethane. 1981
Advisory opinion for carbon tetrachloride. 1980
Advisory opinion for trans-1,2-dichloroethylene. 1981
America's drinking water in 1997 / 1999
Analysis of the use of drinking water state revolving fund set-asides : promoting system sustainability. 2010
Analytical feasibility support document for the second six-year review of existing National Primary Drinking Water Regulations. 2009
Analytical feasibility support document for the six-year review of existing National Primary Drinking Water Regulations : reassessment of feasibility for chemical contaminants. 2002
Analytical feasibility support document for the six-year review of existing National Primary Drinking Water Regulations : reassessment of feasibility for chemical contaminants. 2003
Analytical methods : final rule. 1995
Analytical methods for compliance and limited alternate test procedures approvals / 1998
Analytical methods home page on the internet / 1998
Announcement of preliminary regulatory determination for priority contaminants on the drinking water contaminant candidate list. Part III, Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR part 141. 2002
Annual report fiscal year 1965 : accomplishments during FY 1965, work plans for FY 1966 / 1965
Annual report fiscal year : fiscal year 1964 accomplishments and fiscal year 1965 work plans / 1965
Applicability of the Safe Drinking Water Act to submetered properties / 2003
Applicability of the Safe Drinking Water Act to water haulers / 1998
Application of the Safe Drinking Water Act to persons adding corrosion reducing chemicals to drinking water / 1976
Application of the Safe Drinking Water Act to persons adding corrosion-reducing chemicals to drinking water / 1998
Approval of data sharing committee recommendations for lead and copper / 1999
ARAR Considerations of the Secondary Drinking Water Maximum Contaminant Levels (SMCLs) established by the State of Florida / 2002
Arsenic and clarifications to compliance and new source monitoring rule : a quick reference guide. 2001
Assessment of microbiology and turbidity standards for drinking water / 1983
At a Glance : EPA Is Taking Steps to Improve State Drinking Water Program Reviews and Public Water Systems Compliance Data. 2017
CCR iWriter. 2002
Chemical analysis of interstate carrier water supply systems / 1975
Clarification of EPA's source water assessment and protection programs goal / 1997
Clarification of public notification requirements for unregulated contaminants / 1990
Code of Federal Regulations parts 141-143 : National Primary Drinking Water Regulations / 1993
Community involvement in drinking water source assessments {electronic resource}. 2000
Compliance calculations under the lead and copper rule / 2004
Compliance for gross beta particle activity / 1998
Conference proceedings : Source Water Assessment and Protection 98 : a technical conference, April 28-30, 1998, Double Tree Hotel, Campbell Centre, Dallas, Texas / 1998
Consultation of EPA's Office of Water methodology entitled, "Drinking water program health outcome based performance measures for chemical contaminants and microbial contaminants (measures document)". 2008
Consultation on EPA's proposed aircraft drinking water rule (ADWR) / 2008
Consumer confidence report (CCR) rule : units for reporting detected contaminants / 1999
Consumer confidence report rule : a quick reference guide. 2002
Consumer confidence report writer. 1999
Consumer confidence reports (CCR) on the internet / 1999
Critical issues in setting regulatory standards : a compilation of white papers examining key issues for rural water. 2001
Definition of a non-transient, non-community water system / 1987
Definition of a public water system / 1978
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