Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Drilling)

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Select Item Title Year Published
2010 Gulf Coast oil disaster: litigation and liability. 2010
2020 National Emissions Inventory technical support document : oil and gas exploration and production 2023
A feasibility study of the effectiveness of drilling mud as a plugging agent in abandoned wells / 1990
A Feasibility study of the effectiveness of drilling mud as a plugging agent in abandoned wells / 1990
A numerical mud discharge plume model for offshore drilling operations / 1985
A planet in motion / 1996
A primer of oilwell drilling / 2008
A risk and cost analysis of transporting southern California outer continental shelf oil. 1975
A study of environmental concerns : offshore oil and gas drilling and production / 1978
A survey of the toxicity and chemical composition of used drilling muds : project summary. 1984
A time-dependent, two-dimensional model for predicting the distribution of drilling muds discharged to shallow water / 1984
A time-dependent, two-dimensional model for predicting the distribution of drilling muds discharged to shallow water / 1984
Active leases and infrastructure : September 1993 / 1993
Acute Toxicity of Drilling Muds Containing Hydrocarbon Additives and Their Fate and Partitioning between Liquid, Suspended, and Solid Phases. Progress Reports. 1983
Acute Toxicity of Drilling Muds Containing Hydrocarbon Additives and Their Fate and Partitioning between Liquid, Suspended, and Solid Phases. Two New Draft Sections. 1984
Acute toxicity of eight laboratory-prepared generic drilling fluids to mysids (Mysidopsis bahia) 1984
Acute toxicity of eight laboratory-prepared generic drilling fluids to mysids (Mysidopsis bahia) : project summary / 1984
Acute Toxicity of Two Generic Drilling Fluids and Six Additives, Alone and Combined, to Mysids ('Mysidopsis bahia'). 1988
Aerostat Sampling of PCDD/PCDF Emissions from the Gulf Oil Spill In Situ Burns. 2010
Alaska North Slope Oil-Field Restoration Research Strategy. 1992
Alpine satellite development plan, draft environmental impact statement / 2004
Alpine satellite development plan, final environmental impact statement / 2004
An analysis of the regulatory aspects of natural gas supply. 1973
Analysis of the trade-off of exploration between onshore and offshore regions and potential environmental hazards and safeguards. 1974
Annotated bibliography : fisheries species and oil/gas platforms offshore California. 1987
Annual report / 1994
Application of drilling, coring, and sampling techniques to test holes and wells / 1989
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, coastal plain resource assessment. in accordance with section 1002 of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, and the National Environmental Policy Act / Report and recommendation to the Congress of the United States and final legislative environmental impact statement : 1987
Assessment of environmental fate and effects of discharges from offshore oil and gas operations / 1985
Assessment of oil production volatile organic compound sources 1981
Associated Waste Report: Completion and Workover Wastes. 2000
Atmospheric emission from offshore oil and gas development and production / 1977
Avian studies in the Kuparuk oilfield, Alaska / 0
Background for NEPA reviewers : crude oil and natural gas exploration, development, and production / 1991
Beaufort Sea drilling effluent disposal study 1981
Beaufort Sea planning area oil and gas lease sales 186, 195, and 202 : final environmental impact statement / 2003
Beaufort Sea planning area sales 186, 195, and 202 : oil and gas lease sale, draft environmental impact statement 2002
Behavioral assays for effects of drilling muds on marine animals 1981
Behavioral assays for effects of drilling muds on marine animals / 1981
Biochemical Measures of Coral Metabolic Activity, Nutritional Status and Microbial Infection with Exposure to Oil and Gas Well Drilling Fluids. 1987
Bioremediation and tundra restoration after a crude oil spill near Drill Site 2U, Kuparuk Oilfield, Alaska : final report / 1991
Blowout in the Gulf : the BP oil spill disaster and the future of energy in America / 2011
California OCS phase II monitoring program : year-one annual report 1988
California OCS phase II monitoring program : year-three annual report / 1990
Casing pull tests for directionally drilled environmental wells / 1994
Characterization of organic constituent patterns at a produced water discharge site/barium relations to bioeffects of produced water : final technical summary, final technical report / 1997
Chemical composition of produced water at some offshore oil platforms 1982
Chemical composition of produced water at some offshore oil platforms / 1982
Chemicals for oil field operations : recent developments / 1981
Cities Service Oil and Gas Corporation and Celeron Pipeline Company of California San Miguel Project and northern Santa Maria Basin area study : final environmental impact statement/environmental impact report 1986
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