Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Dredging spoil)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1992 full monitoring in Elliott Bay / 1992
A Field and laboratory study using adenylate energy charge as an indicator of stress in Mytilus edulis and Nephtys incisa treated with dredged material / 1988
A field study of fluid mud dredged material: its physical nature and dispersal / 1978
A Forum to review confined disposal facilities for dredged materials in the Great Lakes / 1986
A Geochemical and sedimentological study of the dredged material deposit in the New York Bight / 1981
A paradigm for developing sediment toxicity bioassays for the regulatory evaluation of dredged material / 1994
A study of leachate from dredged material in upland areas and/or in productive uses / 1978
An SAB report : review of the D-CORMIX model / 1999
Analysis of environmental issues related to small-scale hydroelectric development, I : dredging / 1980
Aquatic disposal field investigations, Ashtabula River disposal site, Ohio : appendix A : planktonic communities, benthic assemblages, and fishery : final report / 1978
Aquatic disposal field investigations, Ashtabula River disposal site, Ohio : evaluative summary / 1978
Aquatic disposal field investigations, Columbia River disposal site, Oregon. Appendix C, The effects of dredged material disposal on benthic assemblages / 1977
Assessing bioaccumulation in aquatic organisms exposed to contaminated sediments / 1991
Atchafalaya River Bar Channel Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site designation. 1983
Baseline survey of the reconfigured Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site, 14 September 1993 / 1997
Bathymetric and subbottom survey at the Cornfield Shoals disposal site, July 8, 1994 / 1996
Bay Area Solid Waste Management Implementation Project. Volume III. Technical Report on Levee Stabilization and Composting. 1973
Beneficial use of dredged material to restore Chesapeake Bay wetlands. 2007
Beneficial uses of dredged material : proceedings of the Gulf Coast Regional Workshop, 26-28 April 1988, Galveston, Texas / 1990
Beneficial uses of dredged material : proceedings of the North Atlantic Regional Conference, 12-14 May 1987, Baltimore, Maryland / 1988
Beneficial uses of Great Lakes dredged material : a report of the Great Lakes Beneficial Use Task Force. 2001
Benthic macrofaunal community structure in ocean dredged material disposal sites in Louisiana : preliminary analysis / 1994
Benthic macroinfaunal analysis of dredged material placement areas in the Laguna Madre, Texas spring and fall 1996 surveys : prepared for: U.S. Army Engineers District, Galveston, Environmental Resources Branch / 1998
Benthic Resources Assessment Technique evaluation of disposal sites in Puget Sound and adjacent waters / 1986
Bioassays on Illinois Waterway dredged material / 1992
Bioenergetic effects of Black Rock Harbor dredged material on the polychaete 'Nephtys Incisa' : a field investigation / 1988
Biological and geological research on the effects of dredging and spoil disposal in the upper Chesapeake Bay 1968
Biological assessment for the closure of the Mud Dump site and designation of the historic area remediation site in the New York Bight Apex 1997
Biological assessment/biological evaluation for commercial suction dredging on the genesis placer mining claim, nez perce national forest, red river ranger district, Idaho 1999
Calibration of a predictive model for instantaneously discharged dredged material / 1978
Carcinogenic effects of Black Rock Harbor sediment on American oysters and winter flounder / 1987
Case studies and comparative analyses of issues associated with productive land use at dredged material disposal sites / 1977
Chemical analyses of sediment sampling at the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site, 5-7 June 1989 1994
Chemical clarification methods for confined dredged material disposal / 1983
Chesapeake Bay baseline data acquisition : dredging and spoil disposal : [appendix VI / 1978
Chetco ocean dredged material disposal site (ODMDS) designation : final environmental impact statement / 1991
Chetco, Oregon dredged material disposal site designation : draft environmental impact statement / 1989
Chromosome Complements from Two Populations of the Marine Worm 'Neanthes arenaceodentata' (Annelida: Polychaeta). 1988
Chromosomes of the Marine Worm 'Nephtys incisa' (Annelida: Polychaeta). 1988
Chronic sublethal effects of San Francisco Bay sediments on "Nereis (Neanthes) Arenaceodentata" : nontreatment factors / 1992
Chronic sublethal effects of San Francisco Bay sediments on Nereis (Neanthes) arenaceodentata : bioaccumulation from bedded sediments / 1993
Chronic sublethal effects of San Francisco Bay sediments on Nereis (Neanthes) arenaceodentata : effect of food ration on sediment toxicity / 1993
Chronic sublethal effects of San Francisco Bay sediments on Nereis (Neanthes) arenaceodentata : full life-cycle exposure to bedded sediments / 1993
Chronic sublethal effects of San Francisco Bay sediments on Nereis (Neanthes) arenaceodentata : interpretative guidance for a growth end point / 1993
Chronic sublethal effects of San Francisco Bay sediments on Nereis (Neanthes) arenaceodentata : partial life-cycle exposure to bedded sediments / 1993
Comparison of field and laboratory bioaccumulation of organic and inorganic contaminants from Black Rock Harbor dredged material / 1988
Comprehensive analysis of migration pathways (CAMP) : contaminant migration pathways at confined dredged material disposal facilities / 1990
Computer Study of the Koh-Chang Model for Dredged Material Disposal. 1979
Considerations for reducing the cost of testing dredged material 1990
Considering wetlands at CERCLA sites. 1994
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