Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 38
Showing: Items 1 - 38
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Domestic Animals)

Select Item Title Year Published
129 I in an animal thyroids from Nevada and other western States / 1977
A survey of foreign noise effects research / 1978
Agricultural vulnerability to nuclear war 1973
Analysis of Specialized Pesticide Problems Invertebrate Control Agents - Efficacy Test Methods. Volume IV. Livestock, Poultry, Fur and Wool Bearing Animals. 1977
Analysis of Specialized Pesticide Problems Invertebrate Control Agents - Efficacy Test Methods. Volume VII. Human and Pet Treatments. 1977
Animal agriculture : the biology, husbandry, and use of domestic animals / 1980
Animal investigation program for the Nevada test site : 1957-1981 / 1984
Bibliography of the cat / 1976
Bibliography of the Cat. 1974
Buffalo nation : American Indian efforts to restore the bison / 2007
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards : feedlots point source category. 1974
Distribution of ingested americium in chickens and transport to eggs / 1976
Effects of noise on wildlife and other animals review of research since 1971 / 1980
Growth responses of chicks fed microbial protein produced from organic wastes / 1976
Hazard Evaluation Division standard evaluation procedure : teratology studies / 1985
Hazard Evaluation Division standard evaluation procedure : toxicity potential : guidance for analysis and evaluation of subchronic and chronic exposure studies / 1985
Health hazards in veterinary practice 1989
Jubb, Kennedy, and Palmer's pathology of domestic animals. 2007
Livestock and the environment : a bibliography with abstracts : Volume II / 1975
Medical Geography (Medisinskaya Geografiya). 1978
Metabolism of carbamate insecticides / 1977
Molybdenum-Infiltrated Biogeochemical Provinces (Biogeokhimicheskie Provintsii, Obogashchennie Molibdenom). 1966
National Body-Burden Database. Chemicals Identified in Feral and Food Animals, 1984. Volume 4, Part 2. 1986
National Body-Burden Database: Chemicals Identified in Feral and Food Animals, 1984. Volume 4, Part 1. 1986
Odors from confined livestock production : a state-of-the-art / 1974
Persistence of Azinphosmethyl in Soil. 1975
Pesticide assessment guidelines subdivision F hazard evaluation : human and domestic animals, Series 84, mutagenicity, addendum 9 / 1991
Protection of farm animals, 1979-April 1989 : citations from AGRICOLA concerning diseases and other environmental considerations / 1989
Reviews of the environmental effects of pollutants : IV, cadmium / 1978
Reviews of the environmental effects of pollutants : V, cyanide / 1978
Reviews of the environmental effects of pollutants : VI, beryllium / 1978
Reviews of the environmental effects of pollutants. II, Benzidine / 1978
Reviews of the environmental effects of pollutants. III, Chromium / 1978
Reviews of the Environmental Effects of Pollutants. X. Toxaphene. 1980
Selected radioisotopes in animal tissues in Nevada : 90Sr and 137Cs measurements from 1956 to 1977 / 1981
The short-term effects of lead on domestic and wild animals / 1977
Water. 1955
We are the weather : saving the planet begins at breakfast / 2019

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