Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 2020
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Select Item Title Year Published
'In-Stack' Diffusion Classifier for Aerosol Mass Distribution Measurement. 1981
'Klebsiella' Occurrence, Significance and Detection in Water Systems: A Progress Report. 1985
14-C-Naphthyl, 14-C-Methyl and 14-C-Carbonyl Carbaryl Distribution in the Pregnant Mouse and Rat. 1983
1999 survey of community watershed organizations in the Chesapeake Bay Basin : results and findings : a report of the Community Watershed Task Force. 2000
2,3,7,8-TCDD, 2,3,7,8-TCDF and PCBs in Marine Sediments and Biota: Laboratory and Field Studies. 1990
2020 National Emissions Inventory technical support document : nonpoint gasoline distribution 2023
A baseline study of the distribution of Spartina alterniflora in Padilla Bay / 1990
A checklist of Ontario freshwater fishes : annotated with distribution maps / 1992
A comprehensive study of Houston's municipal water system. 1966
A Computer code for cohort analysis of increased risks of death (CAIRD) / 1978
A Data reduction system for cascade impactors / 1978
A diffraction technique to measure size distribution of large airborne particles / 1976
A Disjunctive kriging program for two dimensions (Journal version) / 1986
A framework for categorizing the relative vulnerability of threatened and endangered species to climate change / 2009
A Geographical atlas of world weeds / 1979
A guide to freshwater mollusks of the Laurentian Great Lakes, with special emphasis on the genus Pisidium / 1980
A guide to mapping intertidal eelgrass and nonvegetated habitats in estuaries of the Pacific Northwest USA / 2007
A guide to the freshwater Tubificidae (Annelida : Clitellata : Oligochaeta) of North America / 1982
A guide to the Naididae (Annelida, Clitellata, Oligochaeta) of North America / 1980
A Guide to the Office of Water accountability system and mid-year evaluations : fiscal year 1985. 1984
A Guide to the Office of Water accountability system and mid-year evaluations : fiscal year 1986. 1985
A manual for the identification of the larvae of the caddisfly genera Hydropsyche pictet and Symphitopsyche ulmer in eastern and central North America (Trichoptera: hydropsychidae) / 1978
A manual for the use of electrostatic precipitators to collect fly ash particles / 1980
A manual for the use of electrostatic precipitators to collect fly ash particles / 1980
A mathematical model of electrostatic precipitation / 1975
A mathematical model of electrostatic precipitation / 1978
A microcomputer-modified particle size spectrometer: description and program listings / 1978
A modification of Bhattacharya's method for the analysis of mixtures of normal distributions / 1985
A National compendium of freshwater fish and water temperature data. 1979
A new charged fog generator for inhalable particle control / 1984
A Probabilistic methodology for analyzing water quality effects of urban runoff on rivers and streams : final report. 1989
A rapid survey technique for estimating community air pollution emissions / 1966
A real-time measuring device for dense paritculate systems / 1977
A relationship of phytoplankton carbon assimilation rate to the spectral distribution in the Potomac River estuary and Chesapeake Bay / 1980
A remote sensing technique to monitor Cladophora in the Great Lakes / 1980
A study of forced aeration composting of wastewater sludge / 1978
A study of improving compliance of mobile home parks : final report, June 30, 1989 / 1989
A study of residential solid waste generated in low-income areas, 1972
A study of the dispersal of suspended sediment from the Fraser and Skagit River into northern Puget Sound using LANDSAT imagery / 1979
A technique for calculating overall efficiencies of particulate control devices / 1973
Abiotic degradation of DBPs in distribution systems / 2009
Absorption of Microwave Radiation by the Anesthetized Rat: Electromagnetic and Thermal Hotspots in Body and Tail. 1987
Absorption, Distribution, Excretion, and Metabolism of a Single Oral Dose of o-Ethyl o-4-Nitrophenyl Phenylphosphonothioate in Hens. 1983
Abundance and distribution of ichthyoplankton along an inshore-offshore transect in Onslow Bay, North Carolina / 1994
Acid precipitation patterns and trends in eastern North America, 1980-1984 / 1987
Addendum to the air emissions species manual / 1989
Addressing Human Exposures to Air Pollutants Around Buildings in Urban Areas with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Models. 1999
Adsorption of organic cations to soils and subsurface materials 1990
Advances in assessment of world cephalopod resources Progres realises dans l'evaluation des ressources mondiales de cephalopodes = progresos realizados en la evaluacion mundial de cefalopodos / 1983
Advisory by the Science Advisory Board (SAB) Drinking Water Committee (DWC) concerning EPA's proposed drinking water distribution system research project. 1996
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