Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 423
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Disposal sites)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1972 national dump site survey report / 1973
1984 hazardous material spills conference proceedings : prevention, behavior, control and cleanup of spills and waste sites, April 9-12, 1984, Nashville, Tennessee / 1984
1989 guide to superfund sites 1989
93/94 guide to superfund sites 1993
A case study demonstrating U.S. EPA guidance for evaluating landfill gas emissions from closed or abandoned facilities : Bush Valley Landfill, Harford County, Maryland / 2005
A case study demonstrating U.S. EPA guidance for evaluating landfill gas emissions from closed or abandoned facilities : Somersworth Sanitary Landfill, Somersworth, New Hampshire / 2005
A case study demonstrating U.S. EPA guidance for evaluating landfill gas emissions from closed or abandoned facilities, Rose Hill Regional Landfill, South Kingstown, Rhode Island / 2005
A critique of "environmental justice" / 1996
A decision guide for siting acceptable hazardous waste facilities in New England / 1980
A methodology to inventory, classify, and prioritize uncontrolled waste disposal sites / 1983
A methodology to inventory, classify, and prioritize uncontrolled waste disposal sites / 1983
A technical assistance panels program report : resource recovery options for Boulder, Colorado / 1981
A technical assistance panels program report : solid waste options for Lake City, Colorado / 1981
A technical assistance program report : analysis of waste transfer alternatives for Clear Creek County, Colorado / 1980
Access EPA : library and information services. 1991
Addendum to the regulatory impact analysis for the final criteria for municipal solid waste landfills / 1991
Addendum to the regulatory impact analysis for the final criteria for municipal solid waste landfills / 1991
Aerial and automotive reconnaissance of solid waste disposal sites in a rural county / 1972
Alternatives to the Management of Hazardous Wastes at National Disposal Sites. 1973
Alternatives to the management of hazardous wastes at national disposal sites. : volume II. appendices / 1973
Alternatives to the Management of Hazardous Wastes at National Disposal Sites. Volume II. Appendices. 1973
Ambient Monitoring for PCB Near Three Landfills in the Bloomington, Indiana Area. 1985
An environmental assessment of potential gas and leachate problems at land disposal sites / 1973
Assessment and recommendations for improving the performance of waste containment systems / 2002
Assessment of heavy metals and PCB's at selected sludge application sites in Ontario / 1981
Assessment of technologies for the remediation of radioactively contaminated Superfund sites. 1990
Assessment of the performance of engineered waste containment barriers / 2007
Assessment of the performance of engineered waste containment barriers / 2007
Background information : national priorities list, final and proposed rulemaking. 1987
Background information : national priorities list, proposed update #6. 1987
Background information : national priorities list, proposed update #7/RCRA rules. 1988
Background information : national priorities list, proposed update #9. 1989
Background information proposed revisions to hazard ranking system. 1988
Basis and background document for New Jersey major commercial hazardous waste facility siting criteria 1985
Bathymetric and subbottom survey at the Cornfield Shoals disposal site, July 8, 1994 / 1996
Case studies 1-23 : remedial response at hazardous waste sites. 1984
CERCLA waste capacity assurance. / 1990
CERCLIS (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System) Reports on CD (on CD-ROM with Search and Retrieval Software). 2002
CERCLIS (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System) Reports on CD (on CD-ROM with Search and Retrieval Software). 2004
CERCLIS (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System) Reports on CD (on CD-ROM with Search and Retrieval Software). 2007
CERCLIS (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System) Site Location Extract Monthly (on magnetic tape). 1990
CERCLIS (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System) Site Location Extract, Monthly (on magnetic tape). 1997
CERCLIS (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System) Site Location Extract, Quarterly (on CD-ROM). 1998
CERCLIS (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System) Site Location Extract. 1990
CERCLIS Tape Documentation. 1990
Circulating Bed Combuster : Ogden Environmental Services, Inc. 1992
Cities and the Nation's Disposal Crisis. 1973
Class IV and V Injection Well Inventory. 1984
Comparison of Three Microbial Assay Procedures for Measuring Toxicity of Chemical Residues. 1985
Comparison of two groundwater flow models-UNSATID and HELP / 1984
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