Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Disposal facilities)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1985 National biennial report of hazardous waste generators and treatment, storage and disposal facilities regulated under RCRA / 1989
1989 guide to superfund sites 1989
93/94 guide to superfund sites 1993
A Certification program for operators of solid waste management facilities for the State of Connecticut / 1980
Analysis of operation and emissions from typical hazardous waste treatment processes 1982
Assessment of the performance of engineered waste containment barriers / 2007
Assessment of the performance of engineered waste containment barriers / 2007
Biennial Reporting System (BRS) Data: Generation and Management of Hazardous Waste, 1991. 1991
Biennial Reporting System (BRS) Data: Generation and Management of Hazardous Waste, 1993 (Final Data) (on Magnetic Tape). 1993
Biennial Reporting System (BRS) Data: Generation and Management of Hazardous Waste, 1993 (on Magnetic Tape). 1993
Biennial Reporting System (BRS) Data: Generation and Management of Hazardous Waste, 1995 (Final) (on CD-ROM). 1995
Biennial Reporting System (BRS) Data: Generation and Management of Hazardous Waste, 1995 (on CD-ROM). 1995
Biennial Reporting System (BRS) Data: Generation and Management of Hazardous Waste, 1997 (Final) (on CD-ROM). 1999
CERCLA compliance with other laws manual. 1989
Compliance Evaluation Inspection Report: City of Laramie, Wyoming, NPDES No. WY0022209. 1991
Compliance Evaluation Inspection Report: City of Las Vegas, Nevada, Wastewater Treatment Plant, NPDES No. NV0020133. 1990
Contaminated Sediments News: Number 6, August 1992. 1992
Draft environmental impact statement : proposed south dump expansion, Butte, Montana. 1981
Environmental and health impact of solid waste management activities 2002
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Testing Program for Components of Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities. 1987
Evaluation of oxygen-enriched MSW/sewage sludge co-incineration demonstration program / 1994
Evapotranspiration and microclimate at a low-level radioactive-waste disposal site in northwestern Illinois / 1989
Field study of the mechanics of the placement of dredged material at open-water disposal sites : Volume 1: main text and appendices A-I / 1978
Final draft guidance for subpart G of the interim status standards for owners and operators of hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities / 1981
Final environmental impact statement for proposed Arizona hazardous waste management facility / 1983
Final NESHAP standards for waste operations : basis for impact calculations / 1990
Financial methods for solid waste facilities. 1974
Geologic disposal of low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste / 2017
Guide to the training program on use of the permit writers' guidance manual for hazardous waste land treatment, storage, and disposal facilities : final report / 1984
Handbook, septage treatment and disposal. 1984
Hazardous Waste Report, 1991: Instructions and Forms. Data Tape Documentation. 1994
Improving the regulation and management of low-activity radioactive wastes 2006
Improving the regulation and management of low-activity radioactive wastes / 2006
Innovative approaches to the siting of waste management facilities : a guide to nonconfrontational siting procedures / 1992
Instruction Manual for the Biennial Reporting System (BRS) NTIS Data Tape. Data Tape Documentation. 1993
Interim on-site storage of low-level waste User's manual and Lotus spreadsheet for estimating LLW volumes and activities / 1993
Interim on-site storage of low-level waste Waste container closures, seals and gas vents / 1993
Joint U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Workshop on Research Related to Low-level Radioactive Waste Disposal, May 4-6, 1993, National Center, Reston, Virginia : proceedings / 1996
List of Reported RCRA Sites in the United States: The National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report (Based on 2003 Data). 2005
List of Reported RCRA Sites in the United States: The National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report (Based on 2005 Data). 2005
List of Reported RCRA Sites in the United States: The National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report (Based on 2007 Data). 2007
List of Reported RCRA Sites in the United States: The National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report (Based on 2009 Data). 2009
List of Reported RCRA Sites in the United States: The National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report (Based on 2011 Data). 2011
Low-level radioactive waste : future waste volumes and disposal options are uncertain / 2004
Mixed waste management guidelines 1993
Modeling of radionuclide releases from disposal of low activity mixed waste : advisory on the Office of Radiation and Indoor Air's draft proposals on modeling of radionuclide releases from disposal of low activity mixed waste / 1999
Municipal solid waste (MSW) combustor ash demonstration program "the boathouse" / 1995
Municipal solid waste combustor ash demonstration program, "the boathouse" 1995
National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for integrated iron and steel plants : background information for proposed standards / 2002
Overland flow for treatment of municipal wastewater : proceedings of a workshop held in Greenville, South Carolina, November 27-28, 1979 / 1980
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