Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 35
Showing: Items 1 - 35
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Dispersing agents)

Select Item Title Year Published
Calibration and evaluation of a dispersant application system / 1987
Calibration and evaluation of a dispersant application system / 1987
Chemical dispersants for the control of oil spills : a symposium / 1978
Dispersant application system for the U.S. Coast Guard 32-foot WPB / 1981
Dispersants & well containment : assessing spill response capability / 2013
Dispersion of crude oil and petroleum products in freshwater [electronic resource] / 2008
Ecological aspects of toxicity testing of oils and dispersants 1974
Ecological aspects of toxicity testing of oils and dispersants. 1974
Effects of oil and chemically dispersed oil on selected marine biota a laboratory study / 1973
Evaluating oil spill cleanup agents : development of testing procedures and criteria. 1971
Guidelines on the use and acceptability of oil spill dispersants / 1973
Guidelines on the use and acceptability of oil spill dispersants / 1984
Initial Submission: Effect of Fluorocarbon Dispersing Agents on the Livers of Rats and Dogs with Cover Letter Dated 10/15/1992. 1992
Interim guidelines for preparing bioremediation spill response plans / 1991
Manual of practice : chemical treating agents in oil spill control / 1982
Manual of practice : chemical treating agents in oil spill control / 1982
Manual of practice use of chemical treating agents in oil spill control 0
Oil and dispersant toxicity testing : proceedings of a Workshop on Technical Specifications held in New Orleans, January 17-19, 1989 / 1989
Oil dispersants and the environmental consequences of their usage : a literature review / 1980
Oil dispersants new ecological approaches / 1989
Oil dispersing chemicals; a study of the composition, properties, and use of chemicals for dispersing oil spills, 1969
Oil slick dispersal mechanics / 1981
Oil spill chemical dispersants : research, experience, and recommendations : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee F-20 on Hazardous Substances and Oil Spill Response, West Palm Beach, Florida, 12-13 Oct. 1982 / 1984
Oil spill dispersants : efficacy and effects / 2005
Oil spill dispersants mechanisms of action and laboratory tests / 1993
Oil spill dispersants product data. 1971
Oil spill treating agents : test procedures : status and recommendations, final report / 1970
Petroleum fate and cleanup agent toxicology : an annotated bibliography / 1987
Putting dispersants to work : overcoming obstacles : an issue paper prepared for the 1997 International Oil Spill Conference / 1997
Standard dispersant effectiveness and toxicity tests / 1973
Use of chemical additives to improve aeration rates : study of models of air dispersers / progress report no. 3b : 1967
Use of chemical countermeasure product data for oil spill planning and response : workshop proceedings, April 4-6, 1995, Xerox Document University and Conference Center, Leesburg, VA / 1995
Use of chemicals in oil spill response 1995
Using oil spill dispersants on the sea / 1989
Using oil spill dispersants on the sea / 1989

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