Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Disinfection)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1997 International Symposium on Waterborne Cryptosporidium : March 2-5, 1997, Newport Beach, California : proceedings / 1997
2,3-Dichloropropene : information review / 1984
A mathematical analysis of the kinetics of viral inactivation / 1974
A model of virus transport in unsaturated soil. 1992
A review of the literature on the use of Betadine in fisheries / 1974
A small systems guide to the total coliform rule / 2002
A small systems guide to the total coliform rule : monitoring drinking water to protect public health. 2001
Abiotic degradation of DBPs in distribution systems / 2009
Acid-fast bacteria and yeasts as indicators of disinfection efficiency / 1979
Addendum to draft drinking water criteria document for cryptosporidium. 1998
Adequacy of Disinfection for Control of Newly Recognized Waterborne Pathogens. 1982
Advanced oxidation and biodegradation processes for the destruction of TOC and DBP precursors / 1999
Advanced water treatment of estuarine water supplies / 2008
Alternative disinfectants and granular activated carbon effects on trace organic contaminants / 1987
Alternative disinfectants and granular activated carbon effects on trace organic contaminants / 1987
Alternative disinfectants and oxidants guidance manual. 1999
Alternative Disinfectants for Drinking Water Treatment. 1994
Alternative Disinfection Processes. 1984
Alternative disinfection technologies for small drinking water systems / 1992
Alternative water disinfection schemes for reduced trihalomethane formation / 1984
Alternative Water Disinfection Schemes for Reduced Trihalomethane Formation. Volume I. Prototype Studies. 1982
Ammonia from chloramine decay : effects on distribution system nitrification / 2003
An investigation of UV disinfection and repair in Cryptosporidium parvum / 2004
An SAB report : review of drinking water health criteria document : review of the Office of Drinking Water's health criteria document on chlorinated acids/alcohols/aldehydes/ketones / 1991
An SAB report : review of the research plan for microbial pathogens and disinfection byproducts in drinking water. 1997
An SAB report review of drinking water health criteria document. [electronic resource] : 1992
Analysis of potential trade-offs in regulation of disinfection by-products : exhibits and appendix material / 1992
Analysis of potential trade-offs in regulation of disinfection by-products. 1992
Analytical methods for predicted DBPs of probable toxicological significance / 2011
Antibiotics and antibiotic resistance in the environment / 2016
Application of an Ozone Disinfection Model for Municipal Wastewater Effluents. 1982
Applications of reverse osmosis to acid mine drainage treatment / 1973
Aquifer storage recovery of treated drinking water 1996
Arsenic and clarifications to compliance and new source monitoring rule : a quick reference guide. 2001
Ascorbic Acid Reduction of Active Chlorine Prior to Determining Ames Mutagenicity of Chlorinated Natural Organic Matter (NOM) 2000
Ascorbic Acid Reduction of Residual Active Chlorine in Potable Water Prior to Halocarboxylate Determination 2000
Assessing and controlling bacterial regrowth in distribution systems / 1990
Assessment of microbial and disinfection byproduct research needs : final report / 2002
Assimilable Organic Carbon and Distribution System Quality. 1991
At a Glance : Quick Reaction Report: Complete and Clear Information on the Effectiveness of Ebola Disinfectants Will Better Inform the Public. 2015
Automated Closed Loop Control of Ozone Disinfection Using Flow-Paced Off-Gas Measurement. 1985
AWWA standard for disinfection of wells 1998
Bacteria attached to granular activated carbon filters in drinking water / 1987
Bacterial Indicators of Recreational Water Quality. 1984
Bacteriological and Chemical Behavior of Silver in Low Concentrations. 1960
Barriers to the Transmission of Waterborne Disease. 1984
Basic Epidemiologic Considerations for Evaluating Associations between the Disinfection of Drinking Water and Cancer in Human Populations. 1984
Batch disinfection of treated wastewater with chlorine at less than 1C / 1973
Bench-scale high-rate disinfection of combined sewer overflows, with chlorine and chlorine dioxide / 1975
Biodegradation of HAAs in distribution systems / 2010
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