Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 401 - 450
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Diseases)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Cardiovascular toxicology 1982
Cartographies of disease : maps, mapping, and medicine / 2005
CASAC review of the draft diesel health assessment document / 1998
Case of Chronic Beryllium Intoxication: Pathogenic Considerations and Diagnostic Value of the 'Patch-Test' (A Propos d'un cas d'Intoxication Chronique au Beryllium: Considerations Pathogeniques et Valeur du 'Patch-Test' pour le Diagnostic). 1970
Case of Parakeratosis in Piglets (Przypadek Parakeratozy u Prosiat). 1972
Case studies in hematology and coagulation : ASCP caseset / 2012
Case-control study of radon and lung cancer among New Jersey women. 1989
Case-Control Study of Waterborne Giardiasis in Reno, Nevada. 1985
Casualties of progress : personal histories from the chemically sensitive / 2000
Causes of Death among Anesthesiologists: 1930-1946. 1981
Causes of death of anesthesiologists from the chloroform era / 1979
Causes of Waterborne Outbreaks in the United States. 1991
CDC health information for international travel : the yellow book 2018 / 2017
CDC yellow book 2018 : health information for international travel / 2017
Cell Biology of Plant Nematode Parasitism [electronic resource] / 2009
Cell biology of virus entry, replication, and pathogenesis proceedings of a Glaxo-UCLA Symposium held at Taos, New Mexico, February 28-March 5, 1988 / 1989
Cellular and molecular immunology / 2010
Cellular and molecular immunology / 2003
Cellular and molecular neurotoxicology 1984
Cellular microbiology : bacteria-host interactions in health and disease / 1999
Cellular Pathology of a Granulosis Virus Infection. 1982
Certain Trace Elements in Experimental Myocardial Infarction Against a Background of Hypertension and Atherosclerosis (Nekotore Mikroelementy pri Eksperimentalnom Infarkte Miokarda pri Nalichii Gipertonii i Ateroskleroza). 1974
Challenges in endocrine disruptor toxicology and risk assessment / 2021
Changes in Metal Concentrations in Hepatic Tissue in Hepatic Tissue in Some Liver Diseases. I. Assessment of Zn, Cu and Mn Concentrations in Necrotic Material. 1973
Changes in water hardness and cardiovascular death-rates 1981
Chemical brain injury 1998
Chemical Characterization of Indoor Air of Homes from Communes in Xuan Wei, China, with High Lung Cancer Mortality Rate. 1992
Chemical exposure and human health : a reference to 314 chemicals with a guide to symptoms and a directory of organizations / 1993
Chemical forest fire retardants acute toxicity to five freshwater fishes and a scud / 1977
Chemical hazards in the workplace / 1989
Chemical hazards in the workplace : measurement and control : based on a symposium sponsored by the Division of Chemical Health and Safety at the Second Chemical Congress of the North American Continent (180th ACS National Meeting), Las Vegas, Nevada, August 25-28, 1980 / 1981
Chemical hazards of the workplace / 1978
Chemical hazards of the workplace / 1988
Chemical hazards to human reproduction 1981
Chemical hazards to human reproduction 1983
Chemical sensitivity 1992
Chemical sensitivity : a guide to coping with hypersensitivity syndrome, sick building syndrome, and other environmental illnesses / 1992
Chemical sensitivity : the truth about environmental illness / 1998
Chemical sensitivity a report to the New Jersey State Department of Health / 1989
Chemically Induced Cataracts in the Fetus and Neonate. 1987
Chemically-induced alterations in sexual and functional development-- the wildlife/human connection / 1992
Chemicals in the environment / 1987
Chemigation, January 1970-August 1986: Citations from AGRICOLA. 1987
Chemistry and technology of petroleum 1991
Chemokine Receptors and NeuroAIDS Beyond Co-Receptor Function and Links to Other Neuropathologies / [electronic resource] : 2010
Chesapeake Bay Oyster Management Plan: An Agreement Commitment Report from the Chesapeake Executive Council. 1989
Chest : official publication of the American College of Chest Physicians. 1970
Child health and the environment 2003
Child health champion resource guide. 1999
Child neurology 2000
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