Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 3056
Showing: Items 351 - 400
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Diseases)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Biomedical engineering and data processing in pneumonology 1979
Biomphalaria Snails and Larval Trematodes [electronic resource] / 2011
Biopathology of the liver an ultrastructural approach / 1988
Biosafety reference manual 1995
Bioscience papers on causes and consequences of tree death. 1988
Biotechnology in plant disease control 1993
Bird damage to ripening field corn increases in the United States from 1971 to 1981 1986
Blind hog's acorns; vignettes of the maladies of workers, 1945
Bloodborne pathogens: workplace precautions for industry / 1992
Blue-sac disease of fish (also known as dropsy, yolk sac disease and Hydrocoele embryonalis) [with annotated bibliography] / 1963
Body toxic : an environmental memoir / 2002
Bone circulation and vascularization in normal and pathological conditions / 1993
Bone mineral determinations : Proceedings of the Symposium on Bone Mineral Determinations held in Stockholm-Studsvik, Sweden, 27-29 May 1974 / 1974
Botrytis: Biology, Pathology and Control [electronic resource] / 2007
Box tree moth (BTM) (Cydalima perspectalis). 0
Brain tumors in the chemical industry / 1982
Brain-Acetylcholinesterase Inhibition in a Marine Teleost during Lethal and Sublethal Exposures to 1,2-Dibromo-2,2-dichloroethyl Dimethyl Phosphate (Naled) in Seawater. 1974
Braunwald's heart disease : a textbook of cardiovascular medicine. Volume 1 / 2015
Breasts : the owner's manual : every woman's guide to reducing cancer risk, making treatment choices, and optimizing outcomes / 2018
Breathing; physiology, environment and lung disease. 1974
Building 6 : the tragedy at Bridesburg / 1977
Building Sector Field Program Planning Workshop, January 29-30, 1991 workshop proceedings. 1991
Bulletin of hygiene. 1926
Bulletin of the Society of Pharmacological and Environmental Pathologists. 0
Burton's microbiology for the health sciences / 2015
Cadmium as a Respiratory Toxicant. 1987
Cadmium in the environment : a toxicological and epidemiological appraisal. / 1971
Cadmium in the environment III : a toxicological and epidemiological appraisal / 1975
Cadmium in the Environment, II. 1973
Cadmium in the human environment toxicity and carcinogenicity / 1992
Calyptospora funduli (Apicomplexa, Calyptosporidae) in the Liver of the Gulf Toadfish, 'Opsanus beta'. 1993
Campbell-Walsh urology eleventh edition review / 2016
Can Tissue Anomalies that Occur in Marine Fish Implicate Specific Pollutant Chemicals. 1985
Cancer and the worker / 1977
Cancer in Italian migrant populations 1993
Cancer incidence and survival among children and adolescents : United States SEER Program, 1975-1995 / 1999
Cancer incidence by region of birth among Blacks in Cook County / 1989
Cancer incidence in Hispanics and non-Hispanic whites in Cook County, Illinois / 1989
Cancer incidence in Jewish migrants to Israel, 1961-1981 1989
Cancer morbidity and causes of death among Danish brewery workers 1980
Cancer of the Respiratory Tract: Predisposing Factors. 1985
Carbon black, titanium dioxide, and talc / 2010
Carcinogenesis, fundamental mechanisms and environmental effects proceedings of the thirteenth Jerusalem Symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry, held in Jerusalem, Israel, April 28-May 2, 1980 / 1980
Carcinogens and mutagens in the environment 1982
Carcinogens in industry and the environment 1981
Carcinoma of the Thyroid in the Salmonoid Fishes / 2018
Cardiac Sensitization Studies in Dogs with Myocardial Infarctions. 1974
Cardiopulmonary Effects in Awake Rats Four and Six Months after Exposure to Methyl Isocyanate. 1987
Cardiovascular and respiratory responses to elevation of cerebrospinal fluid pressure in the cat 1955
Cardiovascular diseases : guidelines for prevention and care : reports of the Inter-Society Commission for Heart Disease Resources / 1973
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