Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 12
Showing: Items 1 - 12
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Discoveries in geography)

Select Item Title Year Published
American nations : a history of the eleven rival regional cultures of North America / 2011
Chaining Oregon : surveying the public lands of the Pacific Northwest, 1851-1855 / 2008
Ecoregions of the southeastern states / 1987
Mountains of madness : a scientist's odyssey in Antarctica / 2001
National Ocean Survey historical cartobibliography II : age of exploration / 1982
Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium on Antarctic Logistics and Operations : Cambridge, United Kingdom, 6-7 August, 1996 / 1998
Recapturing a future for space exploration : life and physical sciences research for a new era / 2011
The Colorado : river of the West / 1960
The promise of the Grand Canyon : John Wesley Powell's perilous journey and his vision for the American West / 2018
The Symons report on the upper Columbia River & the great plain of the Columbia / 1967
They came before Columbus : the African presence in ancient America / 2003
When biospheres collide : a history of NASA's planetary protection programs / 2010

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