Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Disaster Planning)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Anthrax : what every clinician should know / 2001
Anthrax : what every clinician should know. Part II / 2001
Are you ready? : a guide to citizen preparedness. 2002
Are you ready? : an in-depth guide to citizen preparedness. 2004
Biological and chemical terrorism : a guide for healthcare providers and first responders / 2003
Biological threats and terrorism : assessing the science and response capabilities : workshop summary / 2002
Bioterrorism : a guide for facility managers / 2005
Bioterrorism : preparedness varied across state and local jurisdictions : report to congressional committees / 2003
Bioterrorism readiness and response volume II : a biological, chemical, and nuclear disaster planning sourcebook for the health care system. 2003
Bioterrorism, preparedness, attack and response 2004
CBRN and Hazmat incidents at major public events : planning and response / 2013
CDC responds : bioterrorism and the healthcare epidemiology/infection control community / 2001
Chemical and biological terrorism : research and development to improve civilian medical response / 1999
Chemical warfare agents : chemistry, pharmacology, toxicology, and therapeutics / 2008
Chemical-biological terrorism : awareness and response to threat : based on the technical forum held during the American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition, 2001 / 2002
Communicating emergency preparedness : strategies for creating a disaster resilient public / 2009
Community emergency preparedness : a manual for managers and policy-makers. 1999
Complete guide to biological, chemical, and nuclear terrorism. 2001
Cross-jurisdictional relationships in local public health : preliminary summary of an environmental scan / 2011
Developing radiation emergency plans for academic, medical, or industrial facilities : recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements / 1991
Disaster management handbook / 2008
Disaster medicine / 2016
Disaster resilience : a national imperative / 2012
Drawing Louisiana's new map : addressing land loss in coastal Louisiana / 2006
Emergency exemptions under section 18 of the federal insecticide fungicide and rodenticide act. 1992
Emergency exemptions under section 18 of the federal insecticide fungicide and rodenticide act. : v.2. Instructions for submission of emergency exemption applications. 1992
Emergency preparedness for libraries / 2009
Emergency Response Plan Guidance for Wastewater Systems. 2004
Emergency response planning for corporate and municipal managers / 2006
Emergency response tabletop exercises for drinking water and wastewater systems [electronic resource] / 2004
Environmental health needs & habitability assessment : Hurricane Katrina response : initial assessment / 2005
Facing catastrophe : environmental action for a post-Katrina world / 2010
Facing hazards and disasters : understanding human dimensions / 2006
Geographic information systems (GIS) for disaster management / 2015
Guidance for preparing tribal emergency response plans 2004
Hazardous materials emergency planning guide / 1987
Hazardous materials incidents / 2008
Hospitals and community emergency response : what you need to know. 1997
Incident command for EMS / 2012
Individual preparedness and response to chemical, radiological, nuclear, and biological terrorist attacks / 2003
Introduction to weapons of mass destruction : radiological, chemical, and biological / 2004
Jane's chem-bio handbook / 2005
Jane's chem-bio handbook / 2002
Jane's chem-bio handbook / 1998
Loma Prieta earthquake of October 17, 1989 a brief geologic view of what caused the Loma Prieta earthquake and implications for future California earthquakes: what happened ... what is expected ... what can be done / 1989
Management of terrorist events involving radioactive material : recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. 2001
Medical response to weapons of mass destruction 2005
National incident management system : principles and practice / 2005
National technology plan for emergency response to catastrophic terrorism {electronic resource} / 2004
Nuclear, chemical, and biological terrorism : emergency response and public protection / 2003
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