Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Dioxins Toxicology)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A procedure for estimating human exposures and risks from TCDD/TCDF in fish and water. 1989
A second look at dioxin : review of the Office of Research and Development's reassessment of dioxin and dioxin-like compounds by the Dioxin Reassessment Review Committee. 1995
Accidental exposure to dioxins : human health aspects / 1983
An exploratory study : assessment of modeled dioxin exposure in ceramic art studios / 2008
An exploratory study : assessment of modeled dioxin exposure in ceramic art studios. 2008
Analyses of laboratory and field studies of reproductive toxicity in birds exposed to dioxin-like compounds for use in ecological risk assessment. 2003
Assessment of potential health risks from dermal exposure to dioxin in paper products. 1987
Bioassay of 1,2,3,6,7,8 and 1,2,3,7,8,9- hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins for possible carcinogenicity : (dermal study) / 1980
Bioassay of a mixture of 1,2,3,6,7,8- and 1,2,3,7,8,9- hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins for possible carcinogenicity : (gavage study) 1980
Biological mechanisms of dioxin action 1984
Biological risk assessment for 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. 1989
Chlorinated dioxins and dibenzofurans in the total environment / 1983
Determination of chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans in soils and sediments by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry / 1986
Dioxin '90 : EPRI-Seminar : short papers / 1990
Dioxin '91 : abstracts of the symposium speakers, poster discussions, poster presentations / 1991
Dioxin 2001 : 21st International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants and Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), held 9-14 September 2001, Gyeongju, Korea / 2001
DIOXIN exposure and health assessment / risk management implications : May 13-14, 1993, Embassy Row Hotel, Washington, DC / 1993
Dioxin hazards to fish, wildlife, and invertebrates : a synoptic review / 1986
Dioxin perspectives a pilot study on international information exchange on dioxins and related compounds / 1991
Dioxin, agent orange : the facts / 1986
Dioxins and dibenzofurans in adipose tissue of U.S. Vietnam veterans and controls / 1990
Dioxins and dioxin-like compounds in the food supply : strategies to decrease exposure / 2003
Dioxins and health 2003
Dioxins and health 1994
Dioxins and health : including other persistent organic pollutants and endocrine disruptors / 2012
Dioxins and health including other persistent organic pollutants and endocrine disruptors / [electronic resource] : 2012
Dioxins and refineries : analysis in the San Francisco Bay Area / 2000
Dioxins in Canada : the federal approach = Dioxines au Canada : approche federale. 1983
Draft recommended interim preliminary remediation goals for dioxin in soil at CERCLA and RCRA sites / 2009
Emissions of dioxins and related compounds from combustion and incineration sources / 1988
Environmental health risks : information on EPA's draft reassessment of dioxins : report to Congressional requesters / 2002
EPA's reanalysis of key issues related to dioxin toxicity and response to NAS comments. in support of summary information on the integrated risk information system (IRIS). Volume 1 : 2012
Estimating exposure to dioxin-like compounds Executive summary. 1994
Estimating exposure to dioxin-like compounds Site-specific assessment procedures. 1994
Estimating exposure to dioxin-like compounds. 1994
Estimating exposure to dioxin-like compounds. 1992
Estimating exposure to dioxin-like compounds. Volume 2, Properties, sources, occurrence and background exposures. 1994
Exposure and health reassessment for 2,3,7,8,- tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) and related compounds [draft] [electronic resource] / 2000
Framework for application of the toxicity equivalence methodology for polychlorinated dioxins, furans, and biphenyls in ecological risk assessment. 2008
Guidelines for the Determination of halogenated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzojurans in commercial products / 1987
Guidelines for the Determination of halogenated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzojurans in commercial products / 1987
H4IIE rat hepatoma cell extract bioassay-derived 2,3,7,8 - tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin equivalents (TCDD-EQ) from Michigan waterbird colony eggs, 1986 and 1987 1988
Health assessment document for polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins / 1984
Health assessment document for polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins. 1988
Health assessment document for polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins. 1985
Health risks from dioxin and related compounds : evaluation of the EPA reassessment / 2006
Health risks from dioxin and related compounds : evaluation of the EPA reassessment / 2006
Health risks from dioxin and related compounds evaluation of the EPA reassessment / [electronic resource] : 2006
Human and environmental risks of chlorinated dioxins and related compounds / 1983
Interim procedures for estimating risks associated with exposures to mixtures of chlorinated dibenzo-[rho]-dioxins and -dibenzofurans (CDDs and CDFs) / 1987
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