Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Dilution)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A Probabilistic methodology for analyzing water quality effects of urban runoff on rivers and streams : final report. 1989
Acute and Chronic Toxicity of Copper to the Fathead Minnow in a Surface Water of Variable Quality. 1974
An experimental/analytical investigation of deep submerged multiple buoyant jets / 1976
An investigation of diesel powered vehicle odor and smoke. final report / Part I : 1967
Analytical Methods for the National Sewage Sludge Survey. 1988
Analytical Methods for the National Sewage Sludge Survey. Revision A. 1989
Background Document for the Capacity Analysis to Support 40 CFR Part 268 Land Disposal Restrictions for Ignitable and Corrosive Wastes Whose Treatment Standards Were Vacated (Interim Final Rule). 1993
Bilateral Wastewater Land Treatment Research by China and the USEPA. 1991
Calculation and use of first-order rate constants for monitored natural attenuation studies / 2002
Calculation and use of first-order rate constants for monitored natural attenuation studies / 2002
Commonly Asked Questions Regarding the Use of Natural Attenuation for Chlorinated Solvent Spills at Federal Facilities. 1996
Commonly Asked Questions Regarding the Use of Natural Attenuation for Petroleum-Contaminated Sites at Federal Facilities. 1996
Comparison of Chemical Biodegradation Rates in BOD Dilution and Natural Waters. 1988
Computer Program for the Determination of Most Probable Number and Its Confidence Limits. 1993
Control technology evaluation for gasoline loading of barges / 1979
CORMIX1 : an expert system for mixing zone analysis of conventional and toxic single port aquatic discharges / 1988
DEGADIS (DEnse GAs DISpersion) Model, Version 2.1 (for Microcomputers). 1989
Design, Construction, and Testing of a Commercial Prototype Disc Diluter. 1974
Determination of Mercury Content in a Shallow Firn Core from Summit, Greenland by Isotope Dilution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. 2003
Development of sampling methodology for dilution air sampling of condensible emissions from stationary sources / 1991
Development of Sampling Methodology for Dilution Air Sampling of Condensible Emissions from Stationary Sources. 1990
Diesel Particulate Measurement Research, 2007. Executive Summary Report. 2008
Diffusion in near-shore and riverine environments 1989
Dilution models for effluent discharges / 1993
Dilution models for effluent discharges / 1994
Dilution of Wastewater Discharges from Moving Cruise Ships. 2003
Discharge of Submerged Buoyant Jets into Water of Finite Depth. 1972
Dispersion Model for Elevated Dense Gas Jet Chemical Releases. Volume 1. Documentation. 1988
Disposal of dilute pesticide solutions / 1979
Disposal of dilute pesticide solutions / 1976
Dynamic Model Study of Lake Erie. Part I. Similitude Criteria and Experimental Set-Up. 1970
Dynamic Model Study of Lake Erie. Part II. Analytical and Experimental Results. 1970
East/Central Contra Costa County Wastewater Management Plan: Acute Impact of Discharge at Alternative Outfall Locations. 1976
Economic Impact of Proposed Amendments to Water Pollution Regulations, R77-12, Docket A. 1978
Effect of Holding Temperature and Time on Total Coliform Density in Sewage Effluent Samples. 1978
Effect of Natural Ventilation on Radon and Radon Progeny Levels in Houses. 1991
Effects of Industrial Effluents on Primary Phytoplankton Indicators. 1973
Effects of Natural and Forced Basement Ventilation on Radon Levels in Single Family Dwellings. 1992
Effects of phosphorus loading on phytoplankton distribution and certain aspects of cytology in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron / 1983
Effluent dilutions over mountainous terrain / 1974
Environmental Impact Statement: Alternative Wastewater Treatment Systems for Rural Lake Projects. Case Study Number 5, Ottertail County Board of Commissioners, Ottertail County, Minnesota. Volume 2. Draft Appendices. 1979
EPA traceability protocol for assay and certification of gaseous calibration standards 1997
EPA Traceability Protocol for Assay and Certification of Gaseous Calibration Standards. 2012
EPA traceability protocol for assay and certification of gaseous calibration standards. 1993
Evaluation of sampling methods for gaseous atmospheric samples / by E.D. Pellizzari, W. F. Gutknecht, S. Cooper and D. Hardison. 1984
Experimental simulation of single and multiple cell cooling tower plumes / 1977
Expert system for hydrodynamic mixing zone analysis of conventional and toxic submerged single port discharges (CORMIX1) / 1990
Final Response to BDAT Related Comments Document: D001. Volume 1-B. 1990
Final Response to BDAT Related Comments Document: D002. Volume 1-C. 1990
Flow establishment and initial entrainment of heated water surface jets / 1975
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