Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 105
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Dictionnaires)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A dictionary of biology. 2000
A dictionary of climate change and the environment : economics, science, and policy / 2012
A dictionary of ecology / 1998
A dictionary of ecology, evolution, and systematics / 1998
A dictionary of economics / 2009
A dictionary of environmental economics, science, and policy / 2001
A dictionary of epidemiology / 2001
A dictionary of Latin words and phrases / 1998
A dictionary of mining, mineral, and related terms / 1968
A dictionary of statistical terms / 1990
Abbreviations dictionary / 2001
Academic Press dictionary of science and technology / 1992
Ballentine's law dictionary, with pronunciations / 1969
Black's law dictionary / 2014
Black's law dictionary / 1999
Black's law dictionary / 2009
Black's law dictionary / 2004
Black's law dictionary : definitions of the terms and phrases of American and English jurisprudence, ancient and modern / 1990
Cassell's German-English, English-German dictionary = Deutsch-Englisches, Englisch-Deutsches Weorterbuch / 1978
Collins Spanish-English, English-Spanish dictionary : unabridged / 1997
Concise encyclopedia biochemistry. 1988
Cooper's comprehensive environmental desk reference / 1996
Dictionary of biology : English, German, French, Spanish / 1976
Dictionary of energy and fuels / 2007
Dictionary of environmental science and technology / 1996
Dictionary of environmental science and technology / 1992
Dictionary of environmental science and technology / 1996
Dictionary of industrial terms / 2013
Dictionary of microbiology 1957
Dictionary of microbiology and molecular biology / 1987
Dictionary of nutraceuticals and functional foods / 2006
Dictionary of project management terms / 2008
Dictionary of statistics and methodology : a nontechnical guide for the social sciences / 1993
Dictionary of the environment / 1989
DK illustrated Oxford dictionary. 1998
Dorland's illustrated medical dictionary. 2000
Elsevier's dictionary of chemistry : including terms from biochemistry in English, French, Spanish, Italian, and German / 1983
Elsevier's dictionary of environment in English, French, Spanish and Arabic / 1998
Elsevier's dictionary of water and hydraulic engineering, in five languages : English, French, Spanish, Dutch, and German / 1987
Encarta World English Dictionary / 1999
Encyclopedia of biostatistics / 1998
Encyclopedia of chemical technology / 1991
Encyclopedia of chemical technology Alkanolamines to Antibiotics (glycopeptides) / executive editor Jacqueline I. Kroschwitz ; editor Mary Howe-Grant. 1991
Encyclopedia of chemical technology Fuel resources to Heat stabilizers / 1994
Environmental engineering dictionary / 1998
Gardner's chemical synonyms and trade names / 1999
Glossary of geology / 1987
Glossary of geology / 1980
Glossary on air pollution. 1980
Grant & Hackh's chemical dictionary : American, international, European, and British usage : containing the words generally used in chemistry, and many of the terms used in the related sciences of physics, medicine, engineering, biology, pharmacy, astrophysics, agriculture, mineralogy, etc., based on recent scientific literature. 1987
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