Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 279
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Developing Countries)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1993 Directory of country environmental studies an annotated bibliography of environmental and natural resource profiles and assessments / 1992
A Review of environmental health impacts in developing country cities / 1992
A Strategy for small alternative wastewater systems (SAWS). 1980
Access to land by the urban poor : 2002 annual roundtable. 2002
Agricultural development : soil, food, people, work / 1975
Agricultural policies for the 1990s 1990
Agrochemical Hazards in Aquatic Systems and Evaluation of Such Hazards with Emphasis on Developing Countries. 1983
Agua para vivir : como proteger el agua comunitaria / 2005
Air quality management : considerations for developing countries / 1995
Ancillary Benefits Due to Greenhouse Gas Mitigation, 2000-2020: Executive Summary. 2001
Appropriate sanitation alternatives : a technical and economic appraisal / 1978
Appropriate waste management for developing countries 1985
As climate changes : international impacts and implications / 1995
As climate changes : international impacts and implications : executive summary / 1995
Atlas of global development : [a visual guide to the world's greatest challenges] 2009
Automotive air pollution : issues and options for developing countries / 1990
Bankrolling disasters international development banks and the global environment : a citizens' environmental guide to the World Bank and the regional multilateral development banks / 1986
Basic and applied mutagenesis with special reference to agricultural chemicals in developing countries / 1985
Battery-Powered PM-10 Indoor Air Samplers Applied to Unvented Third World Residential Combustion Sources. 1993
Best practices for EPA's international capacity-building programs : report of EPA task force. 1999
Best practices for EPA's international capacity-building programs : report of EPA task force. 1999
Biotechnological challenge 1986
Cancer occurrence in developing countries 1986
CDC Health information for international travel 2008 / 2007
Challenge of the environment. 1991
Clean coal technologies for developing countries / 1995
Clean energy investment : project synthesis report / 2008
Cleaning up U.S. waste management technology and Third World development / 1989
Climate Change and Energy Efficiency in Industry. 1991
Climate, Air Pollution and Public Health: Estimating Morbidity and Mortality from Fossil Fuel Consumption in Major Urban Areas in Developing Countries. Final Summary Report. 2004
Climatic Classification and Future Global Redistribution of Agricultural Land. 1993
Closing the gaps : disaster risk reduction and adaptation to climate change in developing countries / 2009
Co-composting of domestic solid and human wastes 1987
Coastal management, desert afforestation, and ecological farming : striving for sustainable development. 1990
Communication for health and behavior change : a developing country perspective / 1993
Compact cities : sustainable urban forms for developing countries / 2000
Competitive Implications of Environmental Regulation in the Laundry Detergent Industry. 1996
Conference for Global Development Cooperation report of a meeting, December 4-5, 1992. 1992
Conflicts over natural resources in the global South : conceptual approaches / 2014
Conservation education : a planning guide / 1986
Conservation education : a planning guide / 1995
Cost and structure of meteorological services with special reference to the problem of developing countries / 1975
Cost-benefit analysis of integrated environmental strategies for air quality improvement and greenhouse gas emission reductions / 2007
Developing countries & global climate change : electric power options in Brazil / 2000
Developing countries, 2010. 2010
Developing countries, 2012. 2012
Developing world 07/08 / 2007
Development and climate change : a strategic framework for the World Bank Group. 2008
Development co-operation : efforts and policies of the members of the Development Assistance Committee : 1993 report / 1994
Development co-operation efforts and policies of the members of the Development Assistance Committee : 1992 report / 1992
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