Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Destruction)

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Select Item Title Year Published
2004 Region V response readiness training / 2004
2004 Region V response readiness training / 2004
Actions for survival : saving lives in the immediate hours after release of radioactive or other toxic agents / 2011
Against the fires of hell the environmental disaster of the Gulf War / 1992
Agricultural, chemical, and petroleum industry terrorism handbook / 2008
An Experimental investigation of PIC formation in CFC-12 incineration / 1993
Are we prepared? : four WMD crises that could transform U.S. security / 2009
Assessment of the fate and effects of toxic agents on water resources : [proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Advanced Modeling Techniques for Rapid Diagnosis and Assessment of CBRN agents effects on water resources, Istanbul, Turkey, 4-16 December 2005] / 2007
Atmospheric modeling of releases from weapons of mass destruction : response by Federal agencies in support of homeland security / 2002
Baltic emergency response / 2002
Boilers cofiring hazardous waste effects of hysteresis on performance measurements / 1988
CBRN and Hazmat incidents at major public events : planning and response / 2013
Combating chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear terrorism : a comprehensive strategy : a report of the CSIS Homeland Defense Project / 2001
Continuous performance monitoring techniques for hazardous waste incinerators (Report for January 1980 - March 1989 (Final).) 1989
Control of Transient Incinerator Emissions with an Oxygen Based Combustion System. 1990
Corona destruction : an innovative control technology for VOCs and air toxics / 1992
Corona Destruction: An Innovative Control Technology for VOCs and Air Toxics. 1993
Destruction and stabilization of sludge by multiple-stage digestion and thermal treatment / 1986
Destruction by Anaerobic Mesophilic and Thermophilic Digestion of Viruses and Indicator Bacteria Indigenous to Domestic Sludges. 1980
Destruction of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons by Catalytic Oxidation. 1986
Destruction of cyanide in wastewaters : review and evaluation / 1988
Destruction of evidence 1989
Destruction of hazardous wastes cofired in industrial boilers : pilot-scale parametrics testing / 1985
Ecology of devastation : Indochina / 1971
Effects of herbicides in South Vietnam 1974
Emerging Nanotechnologies for Site Remediation and Wastewater Treatment. 2005
EPA Ensures Oversight of Worker Safety and Health at Superfund Incinerator Sites. 1993
Evaluation of the thermal stability POHC incinerability ranking in a pilot-scale rotary kiln incinerator / 1991
Experimental investigation of PIC formation in CFC incineration / 1991
Field Evaluation of TerraTherm 'In situ' Thermal Destruction (ISTD) Treatment of Hexachlorocyclopentadiene. Innovative Technology Evaluation Report. 2004
First responders guide to weapons of mass destruction (WMD) : practical techniques and procedures for responding to a terrorist incendent involving WMD / 2011
First Responders' Environmental Liability Due to Mass Decontamination Runoff. 2000
Flares as a Means of Destroying Volatile Organic and Toxic Compounds. 1988
Guidance for protecting building environments from airborne chemical, biological, or radiological attacks. 2002
High-impact terrorism : proceedings of a Russian-American workshop. 2002
Historical dictionary of nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare / 2007
In-situ regeneration of granular activated carbon (GAC) using Fenton's regents / 2007
Individual preparedness and response to chemical, radiological, nuclear, and biological terrorist attacks / 2003
Individual preparedness and response to chemical, radiological, nuclear, and biological terrorist attacks : a quick guide / 2003
Influence of Rogue Droplet Atomization on Incineration Effectiveness. 1987
Information disposition : a practical guide to the secure, compliant disposal of records, media and IT assets. 2017
Innovative Thermal Processes for Hazardous Waste Treatment and Destruction. 1985
Interim design assessment for the Pueblo Chemical Agent Destruction Pilot Plant 2004
Introduction to incident command system / 2002
Introduction to incident command system / 2002
Introduction to weapons of mass destruction : radiological, chemical, and biological / 2004
Jane's nuclear biological defense 2008/09 / 2008
Jane's nuclear, biological and chemical defense 2007-2008 / 2007
Medical response to weapons of mass destruction 2005
Microwave Irradiation for Rapid Killing and Fixing of Plant Tissue. 1989
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