Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 19
Showing: Items 1 - 19
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Deregulation)

Select Item Title Year Published
Deregulation! : impacts on the water industry / 2000
Electric utility restructuring : a guide to the competitive era / 1997
Empirical analysis of the transition to retail competition in the U.S. electricity industry 2001
Energy security in liberalised energy markets 2002
Green power marketing in the United States : a status report / 2005
Letting go : deregulating the process of deregulation, or : temptation of the kleptocrats and the political economy of regulatory disingenuousness / 1998
Micropower : the next electrical era / 2000
Policy Innovation Impacts on Scrubber Electricity Usage. 2006
Power technologies energy data book 2006
Power technologies energy data book / 2005
Seeing the light : regaining control of our electricity system / 2001
Smart power : climate change, the smart grid, and the future of electric utilities / 2010
Smart power : climate change, the smart grid, and the future of electric utilities / 2014
Stranded benefits in electric utilities restructuring 1996
The best kept secrets in government : a report to President Bill Clinton / 1996
The commanding heights : the battle between government and the marketplace that is remaking the modern world / 1998
The politics of deregulation / 1985
Toward smarter regulation 1994
Toward smarter regulation / 1994

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