Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 248
Showing: Items 201 - 248
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Depletion)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Scientific assessment of ozone depletion, 1998. 1999
Scientific assessment of ozone depletion, 2006 / 2006
Scientific assessment of ozone depletion: 1991. 1991
Scientific assessment of stratospheric ozone, 1989 / 1990
Scientific linkages in global change / 1989
Screening of Non-CFC Alternatives for High-Temperature Heat Pumps. 1997
Simple solution to the energy problem 1975
Simulation Results of Single Refrigerants for Use in a Dual-Circuit Refrigerator/Freezer. 1992
Spatiotemporal Variability of Total Column Ozone Derived from TOMS Using Rotated Principal Component Analysis. 1996
Stratospheric ozone depletion : a focus on EPA's research / 1995
Stratospheric ozone depletion : hearings before the Subcommittee on the Upper Atmosphere of the Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences, United States Senate, Ninety-fourth Congress, first session. 1975
Stratospheric update : an update on ozone protection progress. 1999
Stratospheric update : an update on ozone protection progress. 1998
Stratospheric update : an update on ozone protection progress. 0
Subjective-Probability-Based Scenarios for Uncertain Input Parameters: Stratospheric Ozone Depletion, December 1990. 1990
Subjective-Probability-Based Scenarios for Uncertain Input Parameters: Stratospheric Ozone Depletion. 1990
Subsidence and Ground-Water Offtake in the Baton Rouge Area. 1970
Summary of public comments and EPA responses on the draft report, the role of ozone precursors in tropospheric ozone formation and control. 1993
Sun Screen : the burning facts. 2001
Sun Screen : the burning facts. 2006
Symposium on regulatory approaches for reducing VOC emissions from the use of consumer products, November 14-15, 1989 : proceedings / 1990
Synthesis of the reports of the Ozone Scientific Assessment Panel, Environmental Effects Assessment Panel, Technology and Economic Assessment Panel 1991
Technical progress on protecting the ozone layer 1991
Terrestrial Plants (Chapter 3). 1991
Testing of Refrigerant Mixtures in Residential Heat Pumps. 1995
The changing atmosphere : a global challenge / 1990
The DNAPL remediation challenge : is there a case for source depletion? / 2003
The forgiving air : understanding environmental change / 1998
The Invisible problem. 1996
The Role of ozone precursors in tropospheric ozone formation and control : a report to Congress. 1993
The Sun, UV and you : a guide to sunwise behavior / 1999
The sun, UV and you : a guide to sunwise behavior. 2006
The U.S. inventory of greenhouse gas emissions and sinks : fast facts / 2006
The U.S. inventory of greenhouse gas emissions and sinks : fast facts. 2005
Tools for the Reduction and Assessment of Chemical and Other Environmental Impacts (TRACI): TRACI Version 2.1. User's Guide. 2012
Transient and Steady State Performance of R-22 and R-407C. 1995
Transport, Radiative, and Dynamical Effects of the Antarctic Ozone Hole: A GFDL 'SKYHI' Model Experiment. 1994
U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks : Fast Facts. 2009
U.S. Solvent Cleaning Industry and the Transition to Non Ozone Depleting Substances. 2004
United States Environmental Prtoection Agency's stratospheric ozone research program / 1989
UV radiation. 2010
UV radiation. 1995
UV radiation. 1999
UV-B Effects on Terrestrial Ecosystems. 1900
What is the ultraviolet (UV) index? : what does it mean?. 1995
What is the UV index?. 2006
What is the UV index?. 1999
Who's who of American ozone depleters a guide to 3,014 factories emitting three ozone-depleting chemicals / 1990
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