Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 409
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Denver)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1962-1967 summary of monthly means and maximums of pollutant concentrations : continuous air monitoring projects, national air surveillance networks 1969
1965 data tabulations and summaries. 1969
1967 data tabulations and summaries : continuous air monitoring projects, national air surveillance networks : Denver 1969
1968 data tabulations and summaries : continuous air monitoring projects, national air surveillance networks : Denver 1969
1987-88 Metro Denver Brown Cloud Study final report / 1988
1987-88 metro Denver brown cloud study project summary : report to the Policy Committee / 1988
404(b)(1) Evaluation: Two Forks Dam and Reservoir Section 404 Permit Application 1989
50 years of revitalizing Denver / 2009
A ditch in time : the city, the west, and water / 2012
A methodology for municipal water supply planning in water-short metropolitan areas / 1975
A Strategy for Planned Water Conservation Programming within the Denver Water Department Service Area ('84 and Beyond) 1984
A study of Denver air pollution / 1962
A study of emissions from 1967-1974 light duty vehicles in Denver, Houston, and Detroit / 1974
A study of emissions from 1975-1979 light-duty trucks / 1980
A study of emissions from 1980 model year vehicles in the Denver Metropolitan area : final report / 1981
A study of emissions from light-duty vehicles in Denver / 1981
A Study of Industrial Waste Pollution in the South Platte River Basin, Appendix D-Meat Industry Waste Study, Supplement to the Basic Report 1966
A study of personal exposure to carbon monoxide in Denver, Colorado / 1984
Accomplishment Plan - Water Quality, Region VIII, South Platte River Basin 1972
Accomplishment plan Region VIII : winter olympics 1976. 1972
Accomplishment plan, Region VIII : South Platte River Basin-Denver area. 1972
Accomplishment Plan, Region VIII, South Platte River Basin -Denver Area 1972
Aerobic stabilization of waste activated sludge : an experimental investigation / 1975
Air Pollution in Colorado: a Study of State and Local Legislation to January, 1970 1970
Air Pollution in the Denver Area 0
Air pollution report, Federal facilities : metropolitan Denver air quality control region / 1970
Air Quality Assessment and Projection for Summit County, Colorado : Air Quality Impacts on County-wide Land Use Planning / 1976
Air quality data from the national air surveillance networks and contributing state and local networks / 1968
Air Quality in the Denver Metropolitan Region 1974-2000. 1977
Air quality in the Denver Metropolitan Region : 1974-2000 / 1977
Airflow Study Related to EPA Field Monitoring Program, Denver Metropolitan Area. November, 1973. 1974
Airshed modeling of Denver for carbon monoxide : a comprehensive overview / 1986
Alluvial and bedrock aquifers of the Denver basin-eastern Colorado's dual ground-water resources / 1988
An Evaluation of High Altitude Engine Modification Devices (Econo-Kit) 1976
An Evaluation of High Altitude Engine Modification Devices (Econo-Kit) / 1976
Analysis and Evaluation of Denver's Water Conservation Program (Final Draft Report) 1990
Analysis and Evaluation of Denver's Water Conservation Program, Part II, Final Draft Report; Executive Summary 1990
Annual Report 1978, Denver Water Department 1978
Annual Report 1979, Denver Water Department 1979
Annual Report, Water Pollution Control, 1970 1971
Annual Statistical Report, 1971 1971
Appendices to the Denver regional environmental impact statement for wastewater facilities and the clean water program. 1900
Application of photochemical models / 1979
Aquifer Data from Geophysical Logs, Denver Basin, Colorado 1991
Asbestos in the water supplies of the ten regional cities : Final report, part 1. 1976
Assessing the Future of Denver's Haze: with Attention to the Contribution of Diesel Automobile 1983
Assessment of Air Quality Metro Denver Region 1975
Assessment of tire particle emissions at a representative Denver arterial paved road intersection : final report to the Northern Front Range air quality study / 1997
Atmospheric measurements of selected hazardous organic chemicals : interim report, 1980 / 1981
Attitudes of Denver region residents on environmental issues : a report to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region VIII / 1977
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