Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
'Klebsiella' Densities in Waters Receiving Wood Pulp Effluents. 1976
2DFATMIC Two-dimensional subsurface flow, fate and transport of microbes and chemicals model users manual version 1.0 1997
3DFATMIC Three dimensional subsurface flow, fate and transport of microbes and chemicals model user's manual version 1.0 1997
50 years of population change along the nation's coasts 1960-2010 / 1990
A comparison of the MESA-Puget Sound oil spill model with wind and current observations from August 1978 / 1980
A Guideline for graphic arts calculations. 1988
A Probabilistic methodology for analyzing water quality effects of urban runoff on rivers and streams : final report. 1989
A problem with flux chamber measurements of biogenic sulfur emissions / 1979
A slowly-varying conservative transport model for shallow estuaries / 1971
A Synthesis of biological data from the Strait of Juan de Fuca and northern Puget Sound / 1983
A washability and analytical evaluation of potential pollution from trace elements in coal : prepared for Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development / 1978
Abiological Methylation of Mercury in Soil. 1977
Absolute Radiant Intensity of the Center of the Solar Disc in the Spectral Range 6389 < or = Lambda < or = 12480 A. 1974
Adaptation of Gaussian plume model to incorporate multiple station data input. 1975
Air Pollution/Land Use Planning Project Volume III. An Economic Comparison of Point-Source Controls and Emission Density Zoning for Air Quality Management. 1973
Air Pollution: Assessment Methodology and Modelling. Fundamentals for the Application of a Gaussian Plume Model. 1979
Ambient water quality criteria for bacteria--1986 / 1986
An evaluation of selected satellite communication systems as sources of environmental microwave radiation / 1974
An introduction to the technology of subsurface wastewater injection / 1977
An introduction to the technology of subsurface wastewater injection / 1977
Analysis of cascade impactor data for calculating particle penetration / 1978
Analysis of ensemble averaged concentrations and fluxes in a tracer puff / 1979
Analysis of Septic Tank Distribution and Septage Generation Rates in Illinois. 1984
Analysis of the Distribution and Dose Response of Chromosome Aberrations in Human Lymphocytes after In vitro Exposure to (137) Cesium Gamma Radiation. 1983
Analytic element modeling of coastal aquifers / 2000
Analyzing Cohort Mortality Data. 1985
Appendix to Entrainment at a Once-Through Cooling System on Western Lake Erie. Volume II. Appendices. 1978
Application of an Ozone Disinfection Model for Municipal Wastewater Effluents. 1982
Application of holographic methods to the measurement of flames and particulate : volume I / 1974
Application of holographic methods to the measurement of flames and particulate : volume II / 1974
Applications of Climatology and Meteorology to Hydrologic Simulation. 1971
Approach to Environmental Risk Assessment Using Avian Toxicity Tests (Journal Version). 1988
Aspects of the Relationship Between Temperature and Aquatic Chemistry. 1973
Basics of pump-and-treat ground-water remediation technology / 1990
Bibliography on the Planning Aspects of Air Pollution Control. Summary and Evaluation. 1964
Calculated actinic fluxes (290-700 nm) for air pollution photochemistry applications / 1976
Calibration methodology for the double sample of the national lake survey phase II sampling / 1989
Centrifugation in density gradients 1982
Characteristics of spilled oils, fuels, and petroleum products : 1. composition and properties of selected oils / 2003
Characterization of municipal solid waste in the United States : 1997 update / 1998
Characterization protocol for radioactive contaminated soils. 1992
Chemical Characteristics of Precipitation in the Champlain Valley. 1971
Chemical hardness / 1997
Chemistry laboratory manual for bottom sediments and elutriate testing. 1979
Chesapeake Bay baseline data acquisition : hydrologic modifications : [Appendix VIII / 1978
Clustering Criteria and Multivariate Normal Mixtures. 1981
Clustering of Rare Events. 1983
Collisionless Plasma Flow around a Cylinder in View of Applications to Ionospheric Probes. 1971
Comparative analyses of fish populations in naturally acidic and circumneutral lakes in northern Wisconsin / 1984
Comparative Toxicity of Chemicals to Earthworms. 1994
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