Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 47
Showing: Items 1 - 47
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Decomposition reactions)

Select Item Title Year Published
Algal nutrient availability and limitation in Lake Ontario during IFYGL : Part II. Nitrogen available in Lake Ontario tributary water samples and urban runoff from Madison, Wisconsin / 1977
Analytical aspects of ozone treatment of water and wastewater : a monograph / 1987
Assessing the interactions of organic compounds during biodegradation of complex waste mixtures by naturally occurring bacterial assemblages / 1989
Atmospheric Chemistry of cis- and trans-3-Hexene-2,5-dione. 1985
Biodegradative Analysis of Municipal Solid Waste in Laboratory-Scale Landfills. 1997
Chemistry of Organomercurials in Aquatic Systems. 1973
Chemistry of Water Treatment Processes Involving Ozone, Hydrogen Peroxide and Ultraviolet Radiation. 1987
Combustion products from the incineration of plastics / 1973
Combustion Products from the Incineration of Plastics. 1973
Comparative evaluation of mesophilic and thermophilic anaerobic digestion: Phase one / 1989
Comparative evaluation of mesophilic and thermophilic anaerobic digestion: Phase two / 1989
Data Acquisition System for Rapid Kinetic Experiments. 1983
Design and Preliminary Results from Soil/Litter Microcosms. 1976
Design considerations for a thermal decomposition analytical system / 1980
Emission Rates for Biogenic NOX. 1977
Feasibility of producing elemental sulfur from magnesium sulfite / 1976
Feasibility Study of The Disposal of Polyethylene Plastic Waste. 1971
Forest Soil Response to Acid and Salt Additions of Sulfate: 3. Solubilization and Composition of Dissolved Organic Carbon. 1991
Fuel Decomposition and Flame Reactions in Conversion of Fuel Nitrogen to NOx. 1978
Further Study of Adipic Acid Degradation in FGD Scrubbers. 1980
Gas and leachate from landfills : formation, collection, and treatment : proceedings of a research symposium held at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J. March 25 and 26, 1975 / 1976
Heterogeneous reactions of nitrogen oxides in simulated atmospheres / 1977
Influence of increasing chlorine content on the accumulation and metabolism of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) by Paul's scarlet rose cells / 1988
Light-Induced Transformations of Methoxychlor in Aquatic Systems. 1975
Liner materials exposed to municipal solid waste leachate {MICROFICHE} 1982
Mechanism of Degradation of Wood and Pulp Products in Water Solution. 1972
Microbial degradation kinetics of toxic organic chemicals over a wide range of concentrations in natural aquatic systems / 1989
Nitrite-Accelerated Photochemical Degradation of Cellulose as a Pretreatment for Microbiological Conversion to Protein. 1973
Pre-screening for environmental hazards : a system for selecting and prioritizing chemicals / 1977
Preparation and Oxidative Properties of Ferrate Ion (FeO4(2-)). Studies Directed Toward Its Use as a Water Purifying Agent. 1972
Recovery of 3-Chloro-4-(Dichloromethyl)-5-Hydroxy-2(5H)-Furanone from Water Samples on XAD Resins and the Effect of Chlorine on Its Mutagenicity. 1990
Reduction of atmospheric pollution by the application of fluidized-bed combustion / 1974
Reduction of atmospheric pollution by the application of fluidized-bed combustion and regeneration of sulfur-containing additives / 1974
Role of gas-phase C12 in the formation of PCDD/PCDF in municipal and hazardous waste combustion [microfiche] / 1990
Role of Gas-Phase Cl2 in the Formation of PCDD/PCDF during Waste Combustion. 1991
SO2 abatement for stationary sources in Japan / 1976
Some Effects of Cadmium on Coniferous Forest Soil and Litter Microcosms. 1975
Study of decomposed methanol as a low emission fuel : final report / 1971
Study of the Photodegradation of Commercial Dyes. 1973
Study of the Use of Biomass Systems in Water Renovation. 1967
Surfactant effects on pesticide photochemistry in water and soil / 1978
The effect of chlorination on selected organic chemicals / 1972
The effect of chlorination on selected organic chemicals. 1972
The role of solid-gas interactions in air pollution / 1974
The role of solid-gas interactions in air pollution / 1977
Vapor-phase organic pollutants : volatile hydrocarbons and oxidation products / 1975
Voltammetric Determination of the Decomposition Rates of Combined Chlorine in Aqueous Solution. 1982

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