Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 31
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Select Item Title Year Published
1994 proceedings / 1995
Air/Superfund national technical guidance study series : air emissions from area sources : estimating soil and soil-gas sample number requirements / 1993
Annual report of environmental radiation in New York State. 0
Compilation of the Named Lakes in Oregon; With Bibliography. 1971
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the centralized waste treatment industry : final / 2000
Field sampling and selecting on-site analytical methods for explosives in soil / 1997
Field sampling and selecting on-site analytical methods for explosives in water 1999
Geology and ground-water resources of Rockland County, New York : with special emphasis on the Newark group (Triassic) / 1959
Geology and hydrology of the West Milton area, Saratoga County, New York / 1964
Ground-water basic data Orange and Ulster Counties, New York, 1970
Ground-water levels and related hydrologic data from selected observation wells in Nassau County, Long Island, New York. 1959
Ground-water resources of Delaware County, New York 1963
Ground-water resources of eastern Schenectady County, New York, with emphasis on infiltration from the Mohawk River / 1965
Ground-water resources of the Jamestown area, New York, with emphasis on the hydrology of the major stream valleys, 1966
Ground-water resources of the Massena-Waddington area, St. Lawrence County, New York : with emphasis on the effect of Lake St. Lawrence on ground water / 1962
Guidance for data useability in risk assessment (Part A) : final. 1992
Guidance for data useability in risk assessment. 1992
Intensive Survey of the Mississippi South Central Basin: Data Summary, Summer 1998. 2002
Limnology of Oneida Lake, with emphasis on factors contributing to algal blooms, 1971
Mapping of geologic formations and aquifers of Long Island, New York. 1949
Preliminary data analysis; 1968 national survey of community solid waste practices / 1968
Records of wells and test borings in the Susquehanna River Basin, New York, 1972
Review and evaluation of current methods and user needs for other stationary combustion sources / 1992
Sediment Quality Criteria Methodology Validation: Calculation of Screening Level Concentrations from Field Data. 1986
Statistical analysis of air quality data : suspended particulates, 1967-1968 / prepared by Donald C. Hunter, Gordon E. Howe. 1968
The ground-water resources of Schoharie County, New York / 1950
Trends in concentrations of suspended particulates, 1964-1969; 1970
Truck carrier FLEET tool : data collection overview and workbook : part 2 / 2012
Urbanization, water pollution, and public policy 1972
Water load of uranium radium, and gross beta activity at selected gaging stations, water year 1960-61 / 1969
Winter runoff from an urban catchment : (January to March 1974) / 1974

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