Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 11
Showing: Items 1 - 11
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Data aquisition)

Select Item Title Year Published
Accessing federal data bases for contaminated site clean-up technologies / 1991
Air Pollutant Emission Inventory for the State of Montana. 1971
Detailed Emission Inventory for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. 1971
EIIP Volume 3: Area Sources Preferred and Alternative Methods. 1997
Emissions Inventory for the State of South Carolina. 1971
Feasibility of Computer Control of Wastewater Treatment. 1970
LORAN-C Tetroon Transponder and Tracking System. 1986
National Estuarine Inventory. Handbook of Descriptors. 1968
Particulate Pollutant System Study. Volume I - Mass Emissions. 1971
Proposed Air Quality Surveillance System for the State of Alabama. 1971
Statewide Emission Inventory for Oklahoma. 1971

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