Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 35
Showing: Items 1 - 35
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Data Interpretation Statistical)

Select Item Title Year Published
A systematic investigation of Manitoba's Provincial Laboratory data / 2012
Application of spectral analysis to stream and estuary field surveys : I. Individual power spectra / 1963
Applied longitudinal data analysis for epidemiology : a practical guide / 2003
Applied spatial data analysis with R / 2013
Applied spatial statistics for public health data / 2004
Aquatic toxicity data evaluation 1993
Aquatic toxicity data evaluation appendix C: the database / 1993
Assessment of chemical exposures : calculation methods for environmental professionals. 1998
Beyond bibliometrics : harnessing multidimensional indicators of scholarly impact / 2014
Biostatistical methods : the assessment of relative risks / 2000
Biostatistical methods : the assessment of relative risks / 2011
Data analysis : a Bayesian tutorial. 2006
Data analysis using regression and multilevel/hierarchical models / 2007
Design and analysis of DNA microarray investigations 2003
Design and analysis of research studies 1992
Developmental toxicology : risk assessment and the future / 1990
Experimental designs 1957
Guide to practical toxicology : evaluation, prediction and risk / 2003
Handbook of spatial statistics / 2010
Interpreting data : a first course in statistics / 1989
Multiple comparisons, selection, and applications in biometry : a festschrift in honor of Charles W. Dunnett / 1993
Multivariate data reduction and discrimination with SAS software / 2000
Practical toxicology : evaluation, prediction, and risk / 2017
Qualitative data analysis : a methods sourcebook / 2014
R cookbook / 2011
Research methods for the biosciences / 2011
Statistical methods for detection and quantification of environmental contamination / 2001
Statistical rethinking : a Bayesian course with examples in R and Stan / 2020
Statistics in toxicology 1991
The analysis of gene expression data : methods and software / 2003
The little SAS book : a primer : a programming approach / 2008
The statistical analysis of experimental data / 1964
The statistical analysis of failure time data / 1980
The statistical sleuth : a course in methods of data analysis / 2013
Time series analysis and its applications / 2000

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