Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 38
Showing: Items 1 - 38
Your Search: (SUBJECT=DNA adducts)

Select Item Title Year Published
(32)p-Adduct Assay: Principle and Applications to Carcinogen-Exposed Animal and Human DNA. 1987
32P-Postlabeling Analysis of DNA Adducts in Human Sperm Cells from Smokers and Nonsmokers. 1993
32P-Postlabeling in Studies of PAH Activation. 1992
Analysis of DNA-Carcinogens Adducts by Electrospray CZE-MS. 1994
Carcinogen-DNA Adducts in Cultures of Rat and Human Hepatocytes. 1992
Cigarette Smoke-Induced DNA Adducts in the Respiratory and Nonrespiratory Tissues of Rats. 1991
Comparison of DNA Adduct Levels in Human Placenta from Polychlorinated Biphenyl Exposed Women and Smokers in Which CYP 1A1 Levels Are Similarly Elevated. 1994
Comparison of DNA Adducts from Exposure to Complex Mixtures in Various Human Tissues and Experimental Systems. 1993
Detection and Comparison of DNA Adducts After In vitro and In vivo Diesel Emission Exposures. 1993
Distribution, Covalent Binding, and DNA Adduct Formation of 7,12-Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene in SENCAR and BALB/c Mice Following Topical and Oral Administration (Journal Version). 1987
DNA Adduct Formation by 12 Chemicals with Populations Potentially Suitable for Molecular Epidemiological Studies. 1992
DNA Adduct Research with Capillary Electrophoresis. 1993
DNA adducts : identification and biological significance / 1994
DNA Adducts and Induction of Sister Chromatid Exchanges in the Rat Following Benzo(b)-Fluoranthene Administration. 1992
DNA Adducts as Biomarkers for Assessing Exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Tissues from Xuan Wei Women with High Exposure to Coal Combustion Emissions and High Lung Cancer Mortality. 1993
DNA Modifications: Investigations by Mass Spectrometry (Chapter 3). 1994
Emerging Methodologies for Assessment of Complex Mixtures: Application of Bioassays in the Integrated Air Cancer Project. 1989
Evaluation of DNA Damage in the Oral Mucosa of Tobacco Users and Non-Users by (32)P-Adduct Assay. 1988
Fiber Optic Fluoroimmunosensor for the Detection of Polychlorinated Biphenyls. 1995
Formation of Cigarette Smoke-Induced DNA Adducts in the Rat Lung and Nasal Mucosa. 1989
Formation of DNA Adducts in Rat Lung Following Chronic Inhalation of Diesel Emissions, Carbon Black and Titanium Dioxide Particles. 1994
Improvement in the Diagnostic Potential of (32)P-Postlabeling Analysis Demonstrated by the Selective Formation and Comparative Analysis of Nitrated-PAH-Derived Adducts Arising from Diesel Particle Extracts. 1991
Interspecies Sensitivity to Chemical Carcinogens: Relationships between Mouse Skin Tumors and Human Lung Cancer. 1992
Ki-ras Oncogene Mutations in Tumors and DNA Adducts Formed by Benz(i)aceanthrylene and Benzo(a)pyrene in the Lungs of Strain A/J Mice. 1993
Macromolecular Adduction by Trichloroacetonitrile in the Fischer 344 Rat Following Oral Gavage. 1992
Mainstream and Sidestream Cigarette Smoke-Induced DNA Adducts in C7B1 and DBA Mice. 1993
Metabolism and DNA Binding of 1-Nitro 14C Pyrene by Isolated Rabbit Tracheal Epithelial Cells. 1987
Metabolism of Benzo(a)Pyrene and Persistence of DNA Adducts in the Brown Bullhead 'Ictalurus nebulosus'. 1991
Molecular toxicology protocols / 2005
Morphological Transformation and DNA Adduct Formation by Benz(j)aceanthrylene and Its Metabolites in C3H10T1/2CL8 Cells: Evidence for Both Cyclopenta-Ring and Bay-Region Metabolic Activation Pathways. 1991
Morphological Transformation and DNA Adduct Formation by Dibenz(a,h)anthracene and Its Metabolites in C3H10T1/2CL8 Cells. 1994
Mutation Spectra of Glu-P-1 in Salmonella: Induction of Hotspot Frameshifts and Site-Specific Base Substitutions. 1994
Natural Environment Surpasses Polluted Environment in Inducing DNA Damage in Fish. 1989
Potentiation of 2,6-Dinitrotoluene Genotoxicity in Fischer-344 Rats by Pretreatment with Aroclor 1254. 1993
Quantitative and Temporal Relationships between DNA Adduct Formation in Target and Surrogate Tissues: Implications for Biomonitoring. 1993
Relationship between Tumorigenic Potency, Ki-ras Codon 12 Mutations, and DNA Adducts Induced by Cyclopenta(cd)pyrene. 1994
Selection of adduct-forming chemicals for human monitoring studies / 1991
Separation and Detection of a Benzo(a)pyrene Deoxyguanosy-5-monophosphate Adduct by Capillary Zone Electrophoresis. 1990

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