Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 28
Showing: Items 1 - 28
Your Search: (SUBJECT=DDT Insecticide Environmental aspects)

Select Item Title Year Published
Aerial photographic analysis of the Wright Avenue DDT study area : Richmond, California / 1991
An analysis of the dynamics of DDT and its derivatives, DDD and DDE, in marine sediments / 1975
Banning DDT : how citizen activists in Wisconsin led the way / 2014
Columbia River basin : state of the river report for toxics / 2009
Columbia River toxics reduction newsletter : February 2010 / 2010
DDT : ambient water quality criteria. 1979
DDT : scientists, citizens, and public policy / 1981
DDT and its derivatives--environmental aspects 1989
DDT and the American century : global health, environmental politics, and the pesticide that changed the world / 2011
DDT in bottom sediments around five Southern California outfall systems / 1974
DDT wars : rescuing our national bird, preventing cancer, and creating The Environmental Defense Fund / 2015
DDT, Silent spring, and the rise of environmentalism : classic texts / 2008
Draft toxicological profile for DDT, DDE, and DDD / 2000
Effects of DDT and other insecticides on fish and wildlife : summary of investigations during 1947 / 1948
Effects of Forest Insect Spraying on Trout and Aquatic Insects in Some Montana Streams : Final Report. 1958
Environmental fate of selected sediment pollutants : draft final report / 1987
Environmental fate of selected sediment pollutants : final report / 1987
Great Lakes water quality initiative criteria documents for the protection of wildlife : DDT ; Mercury ; 2,3,7,8-TCDD ; PCBs. 1995
Hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls, and DDE in mussels and oysters from the U.S. Coast - 1965-1978 - the mussel watch / 1982
Integrated exposure monitoring of HCB and DDT HEAL project / 1989
Movement of DDT and its derivatives into the atmosphere / 1974
Persistence of the DDT pesticide in the Yakima River Basin, Washington / 1993
Report of the DDT Advisory Committee to William D. Ruckelshaus, Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency. 1971
Report on the remedial action to isolate DDT from people and the environment in the Hunstsville Spring Branch-Indian Creek System, Wheeler Reservoir, Alabama : review panel activities (United States v. Olin Corporation consent decree) May 31, 1983-June 30, 1986. 1986
Third report on the remedial action to isolate DDT from people and the environment in the Hunstsville Spring Branch-Indian Creek System, Wheeler Reservoir, Alabama : review panel activities (United States v. Olin Corporation consent decree) July 1, 1990-April 23, 1999. 2000
Toxicological profile for DDT, DDE, and DDD / 2002
Toxicological profile for DDT, DDE, and DDD / 1994
Wastewater treatment technology documentation for DDT manufacture / 1976

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