Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=DDT Insecticide)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A study of the mechanism of the adsorption of chlorinated hydrocarbons in marine sediments. 1973
Aerial photographic analysis of the Wright Avenue DDT study area : Richmond, California / 1991
Ambient water quality criteria for DDT / 1980
An analysis of the dynamics of DDT and its derivatives, DDD and DDE, in marine sediments / 1975
An analysis of the dynamics of DDT in marine sediments / 1975
An evaluation of DDT and dieldrin in Lake Michigan / 1972
Banning DDT : how citizen activists in Wisconsin led the way / 2014
Behavior of DDT, kepone, and permethrin in sediment-water systems under different oxidation-reduction and pH conditions / 1981
Behavior of DDT, Kepone, and Permethrin in sediment-water systems under different oxidation-reduction and pH conditions / 1981
Bioassays of DDT, TDE, and p, p'-DDE for possible carcinogenicity / 1978
Catalytic hydrodechlorination of polychlorinated pesticides and related substances : an executive summary. 1977
Chronic toxicity and interactions between P, P -DDT, P, P -DDD, P, P -DDE and pelagic crustacean larvae / 1978
Chronic toxicity and interactions between P, P(S)-DDT, P, P(S)-DDD, P, P(S)-DDE and pelagic crustacean larvae / 1978
Columbia River basin : state of the river report for toxics / 2009
Columbia River toxics reduction newsletter : February 2010 / 2010
Consolidated DDT hearing : hearing examiner's recommended findings, conclusions, and orders / 1972
Contaminant Trends in Lake Trout ('Salvelinus namaycush') of the Upper Great Lakes. 1985
DDT : ambient water quality criteria. 1979
DDT : scientists, citizens, and public policy / 1981
DDT and its derivatives--environmental aspects 1989
DDT and its derivatives. 1979
DDT and Polychlorinated Biphenyl (Aroclor 1242(Trade Name)) Effects of Uptake on E. Coli Growth. 1972
DDT and the American century : global health, environmental politics, and the pesticide that changed the world / 2011
DDT chemistry, metabolism, and toxicity / 1972
DDT in bottom sediments around five Southern California outfall systems / 1974
DDT in water; a bibliography. 1971
DDT levels in milk of rural indigent blacks / 1976
DDT wars : rescuing our national bird, preventing cancer, and creating The Environmental Defense Fund / 2015
DDT, a review of scientific and economic aspects of the decision to ban its use as a pesticide / 1975
DDT, Silent spring, and the rise of environmentalism : classic texts / 2008
Demonstration test burn of DDT in General Electric's liquid injection incinerator / 0
Development of a DDT manufacturing and processing plant waste treatment system / 1978
Development of field applied DDT / 1974
Dicofol (Kelthane) as an environmental contaminant : a review / 1990
Draft toxicological profile for DDT, DDE, and DDD / 2000
Ecological soil screening levels for DDT and metabolites / 2007
Effect of duck hepatitis virus on pesticide toxicity / 1976
Effect of technical DDT on eggshell structure on Coturnix quail (Coturnix coturnix) and brown pelicans (Pelicanus occidentalis). 1973
Effects of a forest application of DDT on nontarget organisms 1979
Effects of aerial application of DDT for tussock moth control on nestling survival of mountain bluebirds and house wrens / 1974
Effects of DDT and mirex alone and in combination on the reproduction of a salt marsh cyprinodont fish, Adinia xenica 1975
Effects of DDT and other insecticides on fish and wildlife : summary of investigations during 1947 / 1948
Effects of DDT on man and other mammals; papers, 1973
Effects of DDT on the insect population of Trout Creek 1969
Effects of Forest Insect Spraying on Trout and Aquatic Insects in Some Montana Streams : Final Report. 1958
Environmental fate of selected sediment pollutants : draft final report / 1987
Environmental fate of selected sediment pollutants : final report / 1987
Environmental profiles and hazard indices for constituents of municipal sludge : DDT/DDE/DDD. 1985
Environmental profiles and hazard indices for constituents of municipal sludge : DDT/DDE/DDD. 1985
Epidemiology of DDT. 1972
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