Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 67
Showing: Items 51 - 67
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Développement durable)

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Select Item Title Year Published
The Ecological city : preserving and restoring urban biodiversity / 1994
The economics of nature : managing biological assets / 2000
The economics of sustainable development / 1995
The Gulf of Guinea large marine ecosystem : environmental forcing & sustainable development of marine resources / 2002
The limits to growth : the 30-year update / 2004
The new consumers : the influence of affluence on the environment / 2004
The sustainability revolution : portrait of a paradigm shift / 2005
Toward a sustainable energy future / 2001
Traveling light : new paths for international tourism / 2001
Treading softly : paths to ecological order / 2010
Two billion cars : driving toward sustainability / 2009
Venture capitalism for a tropical forest : cocoa in the Mata Atlãantica / 2003
Water for the future : the West Bank and Gaza Strip, Israel, and Jordan / 1999
Where is the wealth of nations? : measuring capital for the 21st century. 2006
Working for the environment : a growing source of jobs / 2000
World on the edge : how to prevent environmental and economic collapse / 2011
World without end : economics, environment, and sustainable development / 1993
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