Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 12
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Czech Republic)

Select Item Title Year Published
Annual report : for the year ... / 1991
Biomarkers of Exposure to Particulate Air Pollution in the Czech Republic. 2000
Common report on air quality in the Black Triangle region 1998 = Spoleécná zpráva o kvalitée ovzduésí v oblasti éCerného trojâuhelníku v roce 1998 = Gemeinsamer Bericht zur Luft qualität im Schwarzen Dreieck 1998 = Wspólny raport o jakoâsci powietrza w obszarze Czarnego Trójkñata w 1998 roku. 1999
Czech Air Quality Monitoring and Receptor Modeling Study. 1997
Czech-U.S. EPA Health Study: Assessment of Personal and Ambient Air Exposures to PAH and Organic Mutagens in the Teplice District of Northern Bohemia. 1993
Environment in the Czech Republic. 1991
Monitoring and Modeling Methods for Developing Air Pollution Control Strategies: A Case Study in the Northwest Czech Republic. 1995
Nutrients and heavy metals in the Odra river system : emissions from point and diffuse sources, their loads, and scenario calculations on possible changes / 2005
Ostrava air quality monitoring and receptor modeling study / 1997
Ostrava Human Exposure and Biomarker Study. 1997
Teplice Program, impact of air pollution on human health / 2001
Voluntary agreements in environmental policy 2001

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