Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
'Giardia muris': Scanning Electron Microscopy of In vitro Excystation. 1984
'Giardia muris': Ultrastructural Analysis of 'In vitro' Excystation. 1986
A description and critique of soil and water conservation programs in Washington County, Wisconsin / 1982
Accelerated Conservation Tillage Demonstration Program 1981-1985. 1987
Agricultural NPS Control of Phosphorus in the New York State, Lake Ontario Basin. Volume 3. The Influence of Tillage on Phosphorus Losses from Manured Cropland. 1991
An Amazonian rain forest : the structure and function of a nutrient stressed ecosystem and the impact of slash-and-burn agriculture / 1989
An assessment of native seed needs and the capacity for their supply : final report / 2023
ANSWERS, areal nonpoint source watershed environment response simulation : user's manual / 1981
Approach to bioremediation of contaminated soil / 1990
Areawide Waste Treatment and Water Quality Management Planning. Erosion Control Priorities and Progress Reporting: Jackson County. 1980
Assessment of alternative management practices and policies affecting soil carbon in agroecosystems of the central United States / 1994
Beyond slash and burn : building on indigenous management of Borneo's tropical rain forests / 1997
Bioremediation of contaminated surface soils / 1989
Bringing nature home : how native plants sustain wildlife in our gardens / 2007
Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model Land Uses and Linkages to the Airshed and Estuarine Models. 2000
Clean Lakes Program Phase 2 Project. Report for Lake Le-Aqua-Na Stephenson County, Illinois. 1990
Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Third Edition, Supplement No. 15 (Including Supplements 1-7). 1984
Conservation Tillage and Conventional Tillage: A Comparative Assessment. 1982
Conservation Tillage Impacts on National Soil and Atmospheric Carbon Levels. 1993
Conservation Tillage Test Results, Allen County, Ohio for 1981. 1982
Control of water pollution from cropland {microform} / 1976
Cost effective corn and soybean production without tillage : fact or fiction? / 1993
Costs and water quality impacts of reducing agricultural nonpoint source pollution : an analysis methodology / 1979
Creating your own native garden design : a guide to creating beautiful home landscapes / 2021
Cross-Scale Aspects of EPA Erosion Studies. 1996
Defiance County Lost Creek Demonstration Project. 1987
Development of emission factors for fugitive dust sources / 1974
Diagnostic Feasibility Study of Lake Waubee, Kosciusko Co., Indiana. 1982
Economic Analysis of Erosion and Sedimentation, Seven Mile Creek Southwest Branch Watershed. 1974
Economic and Physical Impacts on Individual Farm Management Units Under Alternative Management Scenarios in the Blue Creek Watershed, Pike County, Illinois. 1982
Effectiveness of Nonstructural Agricultural Best Management Practices (BMP's) for the Control of Phosphorus and Nitrogen. 1986
Effectiveness of soil and water conservation practices for pollution control / 1979
Effects of CO2 and Temperature on Five Rice Cultivars. 1992
Effects of forest management on soil carbon storage. 1992
Effects of No-Till and Fall Plowing on Pesticide Movement in Runoff and Tile Drainage. 1989
Emissions inventory of agricultural tilling, unpaved roads and airstrips, and construction sites. 1974
Enumeration and Characterization of Bacteria Indigenous to a Shallow Water-Table Aquifer. 1983
Environmental impact of land use on water quality : Black Creek Project, Allen County, Indiana / 1976
Environmental impact of land use on water quality : final report on the Black Creek Project (summary) / 1977
Environmental impact of land use on water quality. Black Creek Project, Allen County, Indiana / progress report : 1976
Environmental Impact of Land Use on Water Quality. Final Report on the Black Creek Project. Volume 2. Technical Report. 1977
Environmental Implications of Conservation Tillage: A Systems Approach. 1985
Environmental implications of trends in agriculture and silviculture / 1977
Environmental implications of trends in agriculture and silviculture. Volume II, Environmental effects of trends / 1978
Erosion Potential of Reclaimed Agricultural Lands in Perry County. 1982
Evaluation of Management Tools in the Occoquan Watershed. 1983
Evaluation of salinity created by irrigation return flows / 1974
Feasibility and Mass, Outdoor Cultivation of Gonyaulax Catenella. 1966
Feasibility of including fugitive PM-10 emissions estimates in the EPA emissions trends report / 1990
Field Modelling in the Highland Silver Lake Watershed. 1984
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