Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 12
Showing: Items 1 - 12
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Cross sections)

Select Item Title Year Published
Determination of rates of reaction in the gas-phase in the troposphere : theory and practice / 1989
Effects of Flow Augmentation on Channel Morphology and Riparian Vegetation in the Upper Arkansas River Basin, Colorado. 1997
Exact Screened Calculations of Atomic-Field Pair Production and Low Energy Screening. 1971
Experimental Protocol for Determining Absorption Cross Sections of Organic Compounds. 1981
Fiber Deposition Along Airway Walls: Effects of Fiber Cross-Section on Rotational Interception. 1993
Field Indicators for Identifying Hydric Soils in New England. Version 1. 1995
Fractal-Based Stochastic Interpolation Scheme in Subsurface Hydrology. 1993
Geological characterization of the Chicot/Atchafalaya aquifer region : southwest Louisiana / 2009
Investigation of ozone and ozone precursor concentrations at nonurban locations in the Eastern United States : phase II, meteorological analyses / 1975
Ion-Quadrupole Effects in Ion-Molecule Collisions. 1971
Lmfbr Physics Programs. Quarterly Technical Progress Report, January-March 1971. 1971
Velocity Dependence of the Total Cross Section for Alkali-Water Scattering. 1972

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