Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Crassostrea virginica)

Select Item Title Year Published
'Crassostrea virginica' as an Indicator of Cadmium Pollution. 1981
'Crassostrea virginica' as an Indicator of Lead Pollution. 1979
'Proctoeces' sp. (Trematoda: Digenea) in the American Oyster, 'Crassostrea virginica'. 1981
American Oyster ('Crassostrea virginica') as an Indicator of Carcinogens in the Aquatic Environment. 1979
American Oyster as a Coastal Zone Pollution Monitor: A Pilot Study. 1982
Application of Adenine Nucleotide Measurements for the Evaluation of Stress in 'Mytilus edulis' and 'Crassostrea virginica'. 1982
Application of the DNA Alkaline Unwinding Assay to Detect DNA Strand Breaks in Marine Bivalves. 1993
Arsenic Uptake and Loss in the American Oyster, 'Crassostrea virginia'. 1982
Bacterial Accumulation by the Oyster, Crassostrea Virginica, on the Gulf Coast. 1960
Benzo(a)pyrene Metabolism in the America Oyster 'Crassostrea virginica'. 1977
Changes in the Free Amino Acid Pool during Environmental Stress in the Gill Tissue of the Oyster, 'Crassostrea virginica'. 1981
Chemical Induction of Tumors in Oysters by a Mixture of Aromatic and Chlorinated Hydrocarbons, Amines and Metals. 1992
Chesapeake Bay oyster fishery management plan : agreement commitment report revision / 1994
Comparison of Mutagen Accumulation in 3 Estuarine Species Using the Salmonella/Microsome Activation System. 1980
Comparison of Ozone and Chlorine Toxicity to Three Life Stages of the American Oyster 'Crassostrea virginica'. 1981
Concurrent Neoplastic and Protistan Disorders in the American Oyster (Crassostrea Virginica). 1979
Cytology and Biochemistry of Brown Cells in 'Crassostrea virginica' Collected at Clean and Contaminated Stations. 1991
Disease Incidence and Potential Mechanisms of Defense for MSX-Resistant and -Susceptible Eastern Oysters Held in Chesapeake Bay. 1991
Effect of Cadmium Body Burdens in Adult 'Crassostrea virginica' on Fecundity and Viability of Larvae. 1981
Effects and interactions of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) with estuarine microorganisms and shellfish / 1977
Effects of Physicochemical Factors and Bacterial Colony Morphotype on Association of 'Vibrio vulnificus' with Hemocytes of 'Crassostrea virginica'. 1993
Effects of Sodium Pentachlorophenate on Several Estuarine Animals: Toxicity, Uptake, and Depuration. 1978
Fate and Survival of Microbial Pest Control Agents in Nontarget Aquatic Organisms. 1993
Histopathology and Bioaccumulation in Oysters 'Crassostrea virginica' Living on Wood Preserved with Chromated Copper Arsenate. 1993
Incidence of polychlorinated biphenyls and chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticide residues in Crassostrea virginica from selected areas along coastal South Carolina / 1976
Infection Intensity of 'Perkinsus marinus' Disease in 'Crassostrea virginica' (Gmelin, 1791) from the Gulf of Mexico Maintained under Different Laboratory Conditions. 1992
Interactions of Chlorine-Produced Oxidants (CPO) and Salinity in Affecting Lethal and Sublethal Effects in the Eastern or American Oyster, 'Crassostrea virginica' (GMELIN), Infected with the Protistan Parasite, 'Perkinsus marinus'. 1985
Interactions of Chlorine-Produced Oxidants, Salinity, and a Protistan Parasite in Affecting Lethal and Sublethal Physiological Effects in the Eastern or American Oyster. 1985
Interlaboratory Comparison of the ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) Bioconcentration Test Method Using the Eastern Oyster. 1985
Kepone (Trademark) Bioconcentration, Accumulation, Loss, and Transfer through Estuarine Food Chains. 1977
Kepone: Toxicity and Bioaccumulation in Blue Crabs. 1979
Nature and Function of the Brown Cell in 'Crassostrea virginica'. 1993
Occurrence of Agglutinins in the Pallial Cavity Mucus of Oysters. 1992
Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) Reef Mapping in the Great Bay Estuary, New Hampshire - 2003: A Final Report to the New Hampshire Estuaries Project. 2004
Oyster Serum Agglutinins and Resistance to Protozoan Parasites. 1994
Perfluorooctanesulfonate and Related Fluorochemicals in Oyster, Crassostrea Virginica, from the Gulf of Mexico and Chesapeake Bay. 2001
Persistence of Aroclor (Trade Name) 1254 in a Contaminated Estuary. 1978
Recruitment and Growth of the Eastern Oyster, 'Crassostrea virginica', in North Carolina (Includes Executive Summary). 1991
Research and development : an investigation of chemistry and toxicity of ozone-produced oxidants and bromate to selected estuarine species / 1981
Results : interlaboratory comparison - bioconcentration tests using the eastern oyster / 1981
Results of a Study with an Experimental Pesticide on the Shell Deposition of the Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica). 2015
Seasonal Chronic Toxicity of Chlorination to the American Oyster, 'Crassostrea virginica' (G). 1978
Status of commercially important bivalves near the proposed Church Creek Power Plant site 1979
Studies on the Depuration of Cadmium and Copper by the American Oyster 'Crassostrea virginica'. 1979
Toxicity and Bioconcentration of BHC and Lindane in Selected Estuarine Animals. 1977
Toxicity of Dibutyl Phthalate-Contaminated Sediment to Laboratory- and Field-Colonized Estuarine Benthic Communities. 1986
Toxicity of Pentachlorophenol and Related Compounds to Early Life Stages of Selected Estuarine Animals. 1978
Trophic Transfer of Contaminants from Organisms Living by Chromated-Copper-Arsenate (CCA)-Treated Wood to Their Predators. 1993
Uptake and Toxicity of Toxaphene in Several Estuarine Organisms. 1976

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