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Select Item Title Year Published
1997 Chesapeake Bay blue crab fishery management plan 1997
A small oil spill at West Falmouth / 1979
Accumulation and Retention of No. 2 Fuel Oil Compounds in the Blue Crab, 'Callinectes sapidus' Rathbun. 1987
Accumulation of Sediment-Bound PCBs (Polychlorinated Biphenyls) by Fiddler Crabs. 1986
Acute Toxicities of Cd2+, Cr+6, Hg2+, Ni2+, and Zn2+ to Estuarine Macrofauna. 1976
Acute Toxicity of Kepone (Trademark) to Four Estuarine Animals. 1977
Alaska's fishery resources : the dungeness crab / 1973
Alaskan seafood processing / 1973
Annual progress report : Chesapeake Bay alosid, blue crab, oyster, bluefish, weakfish/spotted seatrout, American eel, Atlantic croaker/spot, and summer flounder : Chesapeake Bay Program / 1992
Annual Progress Report: Chesapeake Bay Alosid, Blue Crab, and Oyster Fishery Management Plans. Chesapeake Bay Program. 1990
Appendices : final report : assessment of human health risk from ingesting fish and crabs from Commencement Bay / 1985
Assessment of human health risk from ingesting fish and crabs from Commencement Bay : appendices / 1985
Assessment of human health risk from ingesting fish and crabs from Commencement Bay final report / 1985
Assessment of the Potential Impacts on Zooplankton and Fish of Ocean Dredged Material at the Norfolk Disposal Site. 1984
Atlantic marsh fiddler / 1989
Beautiful swimmers : watermen, crabs, and the Chesapeake Bay / 1976
Bioaccumulation monitoring guidance : selection of target species and review of available data. 1987
Bioaccumulation of contaminants in crabs and clams in Bellingham Bay / 1991
Biological Effects of Pesticides on the Dungeness Crab. 1977
Biological field techniques for lithodid crabs / 2005
Biologically allowable thermal pollution limits : Part I and Part II / 1974
Biology of crabs 1977
Blue crab / 1989
Blue crab fishery of the Gulf of Mexico, United States : a regional management plan / 2001
Blue crab fishery of the Gulf of Mexico, United States a regional management plan / 1990
Blue crab fishery, Barataria Estuary, Louisiana 1972
Blue Crab, 'Callinectes sapidus', Hemocyanin Concentrations as an Indicator of Environmental Conditions in the Albemarle/Pamlico Estuary. 1992
Brachyura of the Pacific coast of America : brachyrhyncha: Portunidae / 1966
Chemical communication and chemoreception in the Dungeness crab, Cancer Magister, and the Lined Shore crab, Pachygrapsus Crassipes / 1974
Chemical contaminants in crabs and clams from Eagle Harbor, Washington state, with an emphasis on polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons / 1984
Chemical contaminants in edible, non-salmonid fish and crabs from Commencement Bay, Washington / 1982
Chesapeake Bay Alosid, Blue Crab, Bluefish, and Weakfish/Spotted Seatrout Fishery Management Plans. 1991
Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic coast horseshoe crab fishery management plan : agreement commitment report / 1994
Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic coast horseshoe crab fishery management plan : agreement commitment report / 1994
Chesapeake Bay blue crab management plan : an agreement commitment report from the Chesapeake Executive Council. 1989
Chesapeake Bay oyster management plan : an agreement commitment report from the Chesapeake Executive Council. 1989
Closed recirculating seawater systems for holding intermolt blue crabs : a literature review, systems design and construction / 1982
Computerized Risk and Bioaccumulation System (Version 1.0). 1991
Concentration and speciation of arsenic in flatfish and crabs collected from Commencement Bay / 1985
Crab byproducts and scrap 1980 a proceedings, {September 9, 1980, Virginia Beach, Va.} / 1981
Crab Species Team Background and Issue Briefs. Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management for Chesapeake Bay. 2009
Crabs (Arthropoda: Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura). 1979
Crabs and shrimps of the Pacific Coast : a guide to shallow-water decapods from southeastern Alaska to the Mexican border / 2014
Crabs and their relatives of British Columbia / 1982
Crabs in cold water regions : biology, management, and economics / 2002
Crabs of Texas 1964
Data Report: Fish and Crab Tissue Collection and Chemical Analyses, Final. Lower Duwamish Waterway Remedial Investigation. 2005
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and standards of performance for the catfish, crab, shrimp, and tuna segments of the canned and preserved seafood processing industry point source category. 1974
Dioxin and furan concentrations in Puget Sound crabs / 1991
Distribution of crab larvae in relation to some environmental conditions in the Newport River estuary, North Carolina ... 1963
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